Number of applications: 54
Application total amount: NOK 2 812 775
Total number of granted applications: 24
Current funds distribution status: NOK 604 727
Number of applications: 13
Application total amount: NOK 595 580
Total number of granted applications: 5
Current funds distribution status: NOK 72 000
Tromsø kunstforening and Mondo Tromsø
1 Oct 2017 – 31 Dec 2019
Support is provided to Tromsø kunstforening and Mondo Tromsø, Norway, for inviting Ethiopian artist Robel Temesgen to create a wall painting at Mondo Tromsø.
Curators: Leif Magne Tangen, Director, Tromsø Kunstforening, and Tanya Busse, Co-director, Mondo Tromsø
Granted amount: NOK 12 000
Kjell Bjørgeengen
7 Oct 2017 – 7 Oct 2017Support is provided to artist Kjell Bjørgeengen for performing a video at ‘Global Groove 2’ at CultureHub, New York, NY, USA.
Curator: Benton Bainbridge, Curator, ‘Global Groove 2’, CultureHub, New York, NY, USA
Granted amount: NOK 24 959
Mari Meen Halsøy
22 Oct 2017 – 22 Oct 2017Support is provided to artist Mari Meen Halsøy for an artist talk, a weaving workshop and a panel discussion at the Beit Beirut - Museum of Memory / Liban Art in Beirut, Lebanon.
Curators: Beatrice Merz and Janine Maamari, Founders and Curators, Liban Art, Beirut. Libanon
Granted amount: NOK 4 058
Nils Elvebakk Skalegård
26 Oct 2017 – 26 Nov 2017Support is provided to artist Nils Elvebakk Skalegård for the solo exhibition ‘Og tiden kjenner ingen grenser, den bare fører seg frem’ (‘And time don’t have any limits, It just goes on’) at Huset for Kunst og Design in Holstebro, Denmark.
Curator: Anna Bak, Curator, ‘Og tiden kjenner ingen grenser, den bare fører seg frem’ (‘And time don’t have any limits, It just goes on’), Huset for Kunst og Design, Holstebro, Denmark
Granted amount: NOK 9 500
Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
11 Nov 2017 – 14 Jan 2018
Support is provided to Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen for the solo exhibition ‘Tan Lines’ by artist Fredrik Værslev at Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen in Switzerland. The exhibition and will also be shown at Bonner Kunstverein in Bonn, Germany, in February 2018, and at Fondazione Giuliani in Rome, Italy, in September 2018.
Curator: Giovanni Carmine, Director, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, Sankt Gallen, in Switzerland
Granted amount: NOK 25 000
Piksel Produksjoner
16 Nov 2017 – 18 Nov 2017
Support is provided to Piksel Produksjoner for inviting artists Marco Valdivia Pacheco (Peru), Arcangelo Constantin (Mexico), Michele Fernandez (Peru) and Juan Andres Jaramill (Colombia) to participate in Piksel17 - festival for electronic art and free technology in Bergen. Norway.
Curators: Gisle Frøysland and Maite Cajaraville, Curators, Piksel17, Bergen, Norway
Granted amount: NOK 19 942
Jan Moszumanski
22 Nov 2017 – 18 Dec 2017Support is provided to artist Jan Moszumanski for the participation in ‘Feedback Buster Ghetto Blaster’ as part of the 5th edition of Ghetto Biennale in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Curators: Leah Gordon, Andre Eugene, Curators, Ghetto Biennale, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Granted amount: NOK 9 434
Cassius Fadlabi
25 Nov 2017 – 27 Nov 2017Support is provided to artist Cassius Fadlabi for the participation in the international symposium ‘Humans of the Institution’ at Veem House for Performance, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Curator: Anne Szefer Karlsen, Associate Professor, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway
Granted amount: NOK 10 000
Matti Aikio
30 Nov 2017 – 4 Dec 2017Support is provided to artist Matti Aikio for the participation in the 1st International Indigenous Policy Conference and Workshop and Art Exhibition in Sapporo, Japan.
Curator: Hiroshi Maruyama, Curator, the 1st International Indigenous Policy Conference and Workshop and Art Exhibition, Sapporo, Japan
Granted amount: NOK 12 000
Trine Lise Nedreaas
1 Dec 2017 – 30 Dec 2017Support is provided to artist Trine Lise Nedreaas for the screening of the film 'Pulse' as part of the programme Times Square Arts, New York, NY, USA.
Curator: Debra Simon, Director of Public Art, Times Square Alliance, New York, NY, USA
Granted amount: NOK 9 200
Association Domus Alpina
16 Dec 2017 – 15 Jan 2017Support is provided to Association Domus Alpina in for inviting artist Hanne Lippard to participate in the month-long exhibition, one-day performance and music festival, ’Alpin Huus II’ at Le Commun, BAC-Bâtiment d’art contemporain in Geneva, Switzerland.
Curator: Elise Lammer, Curator, ’Alpin Huus II’, Le Commun, BAC-Bâtiment d’art contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland
Granted amount: NOK 4 940
Ingvild Hovland Kaldal
18 Dec 2017 – 20 Jan 2018Support is provided to artist Ingvild Hovland Kaldal for an artist residency at the Casa Na Ilha Art Residence Program and exhibition at the Centro Cultural Vermelhos, Ilhabella, Sao Paulo.
Curator: Marina Luisa Caamaño, Director, Casa Na Ilha Art Residence, Ilhabella, Sao Paulo
Granted amount: NOK 13 295
Annie Anawana Haloba Hobøl
10 Jan 2018 – 10 Mar 2018Support is provided to curator Annie Anawana Haloba Hobøl for inviting artists Michael O'Donnel , Germain Ngoma and Victor Mutelekesha to the seminar and exhibition ‘Exhuming Histories and Legacies within Zambian Contemporary art history’ at Livingstone National Gallery, Zambia. Curators: Anawana Haloba and Rachel Dagnal, Curators, ‘Exhuming Histories and Legacies within Zambian Contemporary art history’, Livingstone National Gallery, Zambia
Granted amount: NOK 26 779
Marte Aas
13 Jan 2018 – 4 Mar 2018Support is provided to artist Marte Aas for a solo exhibition at Fotografisk Center in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Curator: Kristine Kern, Director, Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
Granted amount: NOK 36 900
Whitechapel Gallery
27 Jan 2018 – 27 Jan 2018Support is provided to Whitechapel Gallery in London, UK, for inviting artist Tori Wrånes to present a small performance and speak on a panel discussion.
Curator: Jane Scarth, Curator, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK
Granted amount: NOK 5 800
Turner Contemporary
3 Feb 2018 – 7 May 2018Support is provided to Turner Contemporary in London, UK, for the participation of artist Vibeke Tandberg in the exhibition ‘Journeys with The Waste Land’.
Curator: Trish Scott and Mike Tooby, Curators, ‘Journeys with The Waste Land’, Turner Contemporary, London, UK
Granted amount: NOK 50 000
Tensta Konsthall
6 Feb 2018 – 29 Apr 2018Support is provided to Tensta konsthall in Tensta, Sweden, for the participation of artist Ane Graff in the exhibition ‘Soon Enough: Art in Action’.
Curator: Maria Lind, Director, Tensta konsthall, Tensta, Sweden
Granted amount: NOK 25 000
Tensta Konsthall
6 Feb 2018 – 29 Apr 2018Support is provided to Tensta Konsthall in Tensta, Sweden, for the participation of artist Joar Nango in the exhibition ‘Soon Enough: Art in Action’.
Curator: Maria Lind, Director, Tensta konsthall, Tensta, Sweden
Granted amount: NOK 22 000
New Museum of Contemporary Art
7 Feb 2018 – 27 May 2018Support is provided to New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York, NY, USA, for the participation of artist Tiril Hasselknippe in the New Museum’s 2018 Triennial.
Curators: Gary Carrion-Murayari and Alex Gartenfeld, Curators, New Museum 2018 Triennial, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY, USA
Granted amount: NOK 24 484
Gothenburg Museum of Art
17 Feb 2018 – 20 May 2018Support is provided to Gothenburg Museum of Art in Sweden, for a solo exhibition by artist Jone Kvie
Curator: Camilla Påhlsson, independent curator
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Martinka Bobrikova and Oscar De Carmen
18 Feb 2018 – 28 Feb 2018Support is provided to artists Martinka Bobrikova and Oscar De Carmen for the ‘re-search residency’ ‘Future utopia community key’ at Arctic Art Institute in Arkhangelsk, Russia.
Curator: Ekaterina Sharova, Development Director, Arctic Art Institute in Arkhangelsk, Russia
Granted amount: NOK 10 000
Eline McGeorge
1 Mar 2018 – 1 Jun 2018Support is provided to artist Eline McGeorge for the participation in the artist residency El Parche in Bogota, Colombia.
Curator: Olga Robayo, Curator, El Parche residency project, Bogota, Colombia
Granted amount: NOK 16 000
Ane Mette Hol
5 Mar 2018 – 27 Mar 2018Support is provided to artist Ane Mette Hol for the participation in the exhibition '', '', '' (Footnotes) at WIELS project space in Brussels, Belgum.
Curator: Michael Kargl and Franz Thalmair, Curators, '', '', '' (Footnotes) at WIELS project space, Brussels, Belgum
Granted amount: NOK 18 800
Marte Gunnufsen
5 Apr 2018 – 20 May 2018Support is provided to artist Marte Gunnufsen for the solo exhibition ‘Flesh’ at Trafo Center for Contemporary Art in Szczecin, Poland.
Curator: Stanisław Ruksza, Director, Trafo Center for Contemporary Art, Szczecin, Poland
Granted amount: NOK 30 000
4 May 2018 – 3 Jun 2018
Support is provided to Lydgalleriet in Bergen, Norway, for inviting Turkish artist and musician Cevdet Erek to present a new piece entitled ‘Rhythm’ (working title).
Curator: Rune Søchting, Curator, ‘Rhythm’, Bergen, Norway
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art
8 Jun 2018 – 30 Sept 2018Support is provided to Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw, Poland for inviting artists Tori Wrånes, Monika Lyko, Olga Robayo, Sulekha Ali Omar, Tone Kittelsen, Hanne Kolstoe, Sigrid Kittelsaa Vesaas, Eirik Slyngstad, Mia Habib, Marte Reithaug Steru, and Laura Marie Rueslåtten to participate in the exhibition ‘Handmade Acoustics’ (working title).
Curators: Joanna Zielińska and Stina Högkvist, Handmade Acoustics’ (working title), Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
Granted amount: NOK 70 000
Number of applications: 72
Application total amount: NOK 3 043 107
Total number of granted applications: 26
Current funds distribution status: NOK 706 000
Number of applications: 10
Application total amount: NOK 419 420
Total number of granted applications: 4
Current funds distribution status: NOK 73 000
Mekdes Weldehanna Shebeta
9 Jan 2017 – 31 Jan 2019Support is provided to Mekdes Weldehanna Shebeta for a six-week workshop resulting in her project titled Patching Up that will be exhibited within the closing group exhibition ‘On Movement’ taking place at Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Curator: Kibrom Gebremedhin, Head, Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Granted amount: NOK 14 500
Marthe Ramm Fortun
21 May 2017 – 21 May 2017Support is provided to artist Marthe Ramm Fortun for a performance on the occasion of the release of German artist Magdalena Kitas’ book Californication at WIELS Contemporary Art Center in Brussels, Belgium.
Curator: Eva Gorsse, Curator, WIELS Contemporary Art Center in Brussels, Belgium
Granted amount: NOK 5 000
Mette Henriette Martedatter Rølvåg
21 May 2017 – 21 May 2017Support is provided to artist Mette Henriette Martedatter Rølvåg for the sound choreography In Between as part of the documenta 14 event ‘Listening Space: All the in-between spaces’ in Athens, Greece.
Curator: Adam Szymczyk, Artistic Director, documenta14 in Athens, Greece, and Kassel, Germany
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Fullersta Gård
1 Jun 2017 – 31 May 2018Support is provided to the art centre Fullersta Gård for the participation of artist Camilla Løw within the exhibition ‘In the Distance’ at Fullersta Gård in Huddinge, Sweden.
Curators: Susanne Ewerlöf, Curator, Fullersta Gård, Huddinge, Sweden, and Peter Bergman, Director, Fullersta Gård, Huddinge, Sweden
Granted amount: NOK 35 300
Piksel Produksjoner
13 Jun 2017 – 8 Jul 2017
Support is provided to Piksel Produksjoner for organising TransPiksel, a regional American touring festival in collaboration with Tsonami Festival in Valparaiso, Chile, Fundación Road House in Manizales, Colombia, and Festival Asimtria in Arequipa, Peru.
Curators: Gisle Frøysland, Maite Cajaraville, Marco Valdivia and Jean Ruzzo, Curators, TransPiksel, Chile, Colombia and Peru
Granted amount: NOK 30 000
1 Aug 2017 – 1 Sept 2017Support is provided to INFRA for the participation of artists Lars T C F Holdhus , Ellinor Aurora Aasgaard and Bror Sander Berg Størseth in the exhibition ‘Inside The Outside World’ at Yamamoto Gendai Gallery in Tokyo, Japan. Curator: Nile Koetting and Daniela Seitz, Curators, INFRA, Tokyo, Japan
Granted amount: NOK 20 110
Farhad Kalantary
17 Aug 2017 – 25 Aug 2017Support is provided to curator Farhad Kalantary to be part of the jury at the 17th Seoul International New Media Festival in South Korea, and to curate the Norwegian Artists' Moving Image Works Program at the same festival.
Curators: Farhad Kalantary, Curator, Norwegian Artists' Moving Image Works Program, Seoul International New Media Festival, and Kim-Jang Yeun-ho, Festival Director, Seoul International New Media Festival, South Korea
Granted amount: NOK 15 000
Camille Norment
26 Aug 2017 – 26 Aug 2017Support is provided to artist Camille Norment for a performance in collaboration with Ryuichi Sakamoto and Yuko Mohri at Sapporo International Art Festival 2017 in Sapporo, Japan.
Curator: Otomo Yoshihide, Curator, Sapporo International Art Festival 2017, Sapporo, Japan
Granted amount: NOK 69 533
Chart Emerging
1 Sept 2017 – 3 Sept 2017Support is provided to Chart Emerging for the participation of artists Josefin Andersson , Erik Slyngstad, Eirik Sæther, Kamilla Langeland and Constance Tenvik in an exhibition by Chart Emerging, coinciding with Chart Art Fair in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Curator: Helga Christoffersen, Curator, Chart Emerging, Copenhagen, Denmark
Granted amount: NOK 26 542
Sissel Tolaas
1 Sept 2017 – 5 Nov 2017Support is provided to artist Sissel Tolaas for the presentation of SmellScape Seoul 2017 within the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017 in Seoul, South Korea.
Curators: Hyungmin Pai and Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Curators, Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017, Seoul, South Korea
Granted amount: NOK 50 000
Tori Wrånes
4 Sept 2017 – 4 Sept 2017Support is provided to artist Tori Wrånes for the presentation of a site specific performance within the exhibition project ‘Luringen’ at the KUIR festival in Bogota, Colombia. Curators: Stina Högkvist and Geir Haraldseth, Curators, ‘Luringen’, KUIR festival, Bogota, Colombia
Granted amount: NOK 19 500
Röda Sten Kulturförening
9 Sept 2017 – 19 Nov 2017Support is provided to Röda Sten Kulturförening for the participation of artist Sille Storihle to take part in the Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art 2017 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Curator: Nav Haq, Curator, Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Granted amount: NOK 33 000
Istanbul Biennial
15 Sept 2017 – 12 Nov 2017Support is provided to the Istanbul Foundation for Cultur for the participation of artist Pedro Goméz-Egaña to take part in the 15th Istanbul Biennial – a good neighbour in Istanbul, Turkey.
Curators: Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset, Curators, the 15th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey
Granted amount: NOK 131 292
La Biennale de Lyon
20 Sept 2017 – 7 Jan 2018Support is provided to La Biennale de Lyon for the participation of artists Anawana Haloba, Camille Norment and Icaro Zorbar in ‘Floating worlds’, 14th Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art in Lyon, France.
Curator: Emma Lavigne, Curator, ‘Floating worlds’, 14th Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art, Lyon, France
Granted amount: NOK 69 640
Karl Ingar Røys
20 Sept 2017 – 27 Sept 2017Support is provided to artist Karl Ingar Røys for a solo exhibition entitled ‘The Art of Transition. The Pansodan Sessions’ at the Pansodan Arts Centre in Yangon, Myanmar.
Curator: Aung Soe Min, Curator, Pansodan Arts Centre, Yangon, Myanmar
Granted amount: NOK 10 000
Callum Ross
21 Sept 2017 – 15 Oct 2017Support is provided to curator Callum Ross for the participation of artists Saskia Holmkvist and Toril Johannessen in the exhibition ‘The Promise and Compromise of Translation’ at Four Boxes Gallery, Krabbesholm Højskole (in conjunction with Aarhus 2017 Year of Culture) in Skive, Denmark.
Curator: Callum Ross, Curator, ‘The Promise and Compromise of Translation’, Four Boxes Gallery, Krabbesholm Højskole, Skive, Denmark
Granted amount: NOK 14 900
Serpentine Galleries
29 Sept 2017 – 26 Nov 2017Support is provided to the Serpentine Galleries in London, UK, for a solo exhibition by artist Torbjørn Rødland.
Curator: Amira Gad, Curator, Serpentine Galleries, London, UK
Granted amount: NOK 10 573
Tori Wrånes
14 Oct 2017 – 28 Oct 2017Support is provided to artist Tori Wrånes
Curator: Folakunle Oshun, Curator, Living on the Edge - the 1st Lagos Biennial, Lagos, Nigeria
Granted amount: NOK 18 500
Bergen Art Book Fair (Bergen Zines)
19 Oct 2017 – 22 Oct 2017
Support is provided to Bergen Art Book Fair (Bergen Zines) for inviting Latin American speakers and guests Maite Claveau, Ernestina Fabbri, Eliana Bianchi, Virginia Molinari, Majo Badra, Nahuel Fretes and Georgina Ricci at the Bergen Art Book Fair 2017 in Bergen, Norway.
Curator: Raquel Maia Marques, Bergen Art Book Fair 2017, Bergen, Norway
Granted amount: NOK 30 000
Siri Ekker Svendsen
21 Oct 2017 – 26 Nov 2017Support is provided to artist Siri Ekker Svendsen for a solo exhibition at Malmö Konsthall in Malmö, Sweden.
Curator: Mats Stjernstedt, Director, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden
Granted amount: NOK 16 000
Reseaux des arts mediatiques / AKOUSMA
23 Oct 2017 – 28 Oct 2017Support is provided to Reseaux des arts mediatiques for the participation of artist Natasha Barrett in the electro-acoustic festival AKOUSMA in Montreal, Canada.
Curator: Louis Dufort, Artistic Director, AKOUSMA in Montreal, Canada
Granted amount: NOK 15 659
Hanne Lippard
10 Nov 2017 – 16 Dec 2017Support is provided to artist Hanne Lippard for the solo exhibition ‘Numb Limb’ at David Dale Gallery in Glasgow, Scotland.
Curator: Max Slaven, Programme Director, David Dale Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland
Granted amount: NOK 11 500
Trygve Luktvasslimo
15 Nov 2017 – 24 Nov 2017Support is provided to artist Trygve Luktvasslimo for the presentation of the film trilogy A Life With No Echo/From Nonsense to Grandeur, a concert, and a spatial transformation and intervention in the exhibition space within the exhibition project ‘Luringen’ at the KUIR festival in Bogota, Colombia.
Curators: Stina Högkvist and Geir Haraldseth, Curators, ‘Luringen’, KUIR festival, Bogota, Colombia
Granted amount: NOK 11 000
Geir Haraldseth
15 Nov 2017 – 24 Nov 2017Support is provided to curator Geir Haraldseth for the participation of artists Trygve Luktvasslimo and Tori Wrånes in the exhibition project ‘Luringen’ at the KUIR festival in Bogota, Colombia.
Curators: Stina Högkvist and Geir Haraldseth, Curators, ‘Luringen’, KUIR festival, Bogota, Colombia
Granted amount: NOK 17 000
Jingyi Wang
16 Nov 2017 – 23 Nov 2017Support is provided to curator Jingyi Wang for the presentation of the interdisciplinary project ‘Static Theater: Those that have been left behind’ including Bergen-based artists Leo Preston, Lars Ove Toft, Marcello Raciti, Håkon Holm Olsen, Helene Norseth, Apichaya Wanthiang, Tatiana Lozano and Signe Liden at the Ming Contemporary Art Museum (McaM) in Shanghai, China.
Curator: Jingyi Wang, Curator, ‘Static Theater 1: Those that have been left behind’, Ming Contemporary Art Museum (McaM), Shanghai, China
Granted amount: NOK 24 000
The Renaissance Society
7 Apr 2018 – 7 Apr 2018Support is provided to The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago in Chicago, IL, USA, for a performance by artist Jana Winderen as part of the core program for the group exhibition, ‘Unthought Environments’. Curator: Karsten Lund, Curator, The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, IL, USA
Granted amount: NOK 21 048
Marius Presterud
28 Jun 2018 – 1 Dec 2018Support is provided to artist Marius Presterud for a research trip connected to the joint Nordic art, design, and research project ‘Northern Bumbling’ taking place in the following venues in Norway, Iceland and Sweden in the period 2017–2019: Losæter foreningens public bakery house in Bjørvika, Oslo, Norway, The Shared Greenhouse Project, Iceland, and Under Tallarna, Sweden.
Curator: Northern Bumbling (Thomas Pausz, Marius Presterud and Erik Sjodin)
Granted amount: NOK 4 655
Number of applications: 85
Application total amount: NOK 3 545 038
Total number of granted applications: 33
Current funds distribution status: NOK 729 033
Number of applications: 14
Application total amount: NOK 494 646
Total number of granted applications: 5
Current funds distribution status: NOK 75 000
documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH
30 Jan 2017 – 17 Sept 2017Support is provided to documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH for including artists Synnøve Persen, Maret Anne Sara and Hans Ragnar Mathisen in documenta 14 in Athens, Greece; and Kassel, Germany.
Curator: Adam Szymczyk, Artistic Director, documenta 14, Athens, Greece; and Kassel, Germany
Granted amount: NOK 200 640
Elin Már Øyen Vister
1 Feb 2017 – 28 Feb 2017Support is provided to artist Elin Már Øyen Vister for the participation in the exhibition ‘G/rove’ at Gallery Latitude 28 in New Dehli, India.
Curator: Bhavna Kakar, Curator, ‘G/rove’, Gallery Latitude 28, New Dehli, India
Granted amount: NOK 7 500
TASC Ablett & Brafield
2 Feb 2017 – 28 Feb 2017Support is provided to the artist group TASC Ablett & Brafield (consisting of Amber Ablett and Stacy Brafield) for the participation in the exhibition ‘G/rove’ at Gallery Latitude 28 in New Dehli, India.
Curator: Bhavna Kakar, Curator, ‘G/rove’, Gallery Latitude 28, New Dehli, India
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Kjell Bjørgeengen
4 Mar 2017 – 26 Mar 2017Support is provided to artist Kjell Bjørgeengen for the participation in ‘Scandi art now’ at SNO Contemporary Art Projects in Sydney, Australia. Curators: Brian Mahoney, President, Sydney Non Objective Contemporary Art Projects; and Lars Strandh, Curator, ‘Scandi art now’, SNO Contemporary Art Projects, Sydney, Australia.
Granted amount: NOK 16 777
Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré
11 Mar 2017 – 11 Jun 2017Support is provided to Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré for including artists Thora Dolven Balke, Ahmad Ghossein, Tiril Hasselknippe, Saman Kamyab, Ignas Krunglevicius, Kamilla Langeland, Lars Laumann, Solveig Lønseth, Ann Cathrin November Høibo, Linn Pedersen and Tori Wrånes in the exhibition ’Innland’ at Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré (CCC OD) in Tours, France.
Curators: Thora Dolven Balke, Curator, ’Innland’, and Elodie Stroecken, Curator, Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré (CCC OD), Tours, France
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Pedro Gomez-Egana
11 Mar 2017 – 21 May 2017Support is provided to artist Pedro Gomez-Egana for the participation in the Contour Biennial 8 in Mechelen, Belgium.
Curator: Natasha Ginwala, Curator, Contour Biennial 8, Mechelen, Belgium
Granted amount: NOK 17 500
Berit Schuck
20 Mar 2017 – 26 Mar 2017Support is provided to curator Berit Schuck for inviting artist Manuel Pelmus to the 6th edition of the D-CAF' Visual Arts Program at Museum of Contemporary Art Cairo, Egypt.
Curator: Berit Schuck, Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Cairo, Egypt
Granted amount: NOK 7 028
Marthe Ramm Fortun
4 Apr 2017 – 1 Aug 2017Support is provided to artist Marthe Ramm Fortun for the participation in the exhibition project ‘PLANT B’ in Parc de la Fondrie, Brussels, Belgium.
Curator: Stefaan Willems, Curator, Komplot, Brussels, Belgium; and Toke Lykkeberg, Curator, ‘PLANT B’, Parc de la Fondrie, Brussels, Belgium
Granted amount: NOK 8 000
Morten Norbye Halvorsen
8 Apr 2017 – 8 Apr 2017Support is provided to artist Morten Norbye Halvorsen to realise a sound work within a performance in collaboration with artist Jessica Warboys at CAPC Musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, France.
Curator: Anne-Sophie Dinant, Independent curator
Granted amount: NOK 10 397
Thomas Paltiel (studio näv)
11 Apr 2017 – 25 Apr 2017Support is provided to artist Thomas Paltiel for the participation in the experimental residency AZ West Wagon Station Encampment in Joshua Tree National Park, CA, USA.
Curator: Andrea Zittel, Artist and Curator, AZ West Wagon Station Encampment, Joshua Tree National Park, CA, USA
Granted amount: NOK 12 500
Marianne Heske
15 Apr 2017 – 16 Jul 2017Support is provided to artist Marianne Heske for the participation in the exhibition ‘Create Spaces’ at LUXLAKES A4 Art Museum in Chengdu, China. Curator: Li Zhenhua, Curator, ‘Create Spaces’, LUXLAKES A4 Art Museum, Chengdu, China
Granted amount: NOK 15 000
Hanne Lippard
15 Apr 2017 – 20 May 2017Support is provided to artist Hanne Lippard for the solo exhibition ‘Pocket’ at SALTS in Birsfelden, Switzerland.
Curator: Harry Burke, Curator, ‘Pocket’, SALTS, Birsfelden, Switzerland
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Karolin Tampere
17 Apr 2017 – 30 Apr 2017Support is provided to curator Karolin Tampere to publicly present her research, recordings and other material within the ‘Ensayos’ series at Liquid Architecture in Melbourne, Australia.
Curator: Camila Marambio, Curator, ‘Ensayos’, Tierra del Fuego, Chile; and Melbourne, Australia
Granted amount: NOK 13 800
Ane Graff
28 Apr 2017 – 13 May 2017Support is provided to artist Ane Graff for the participation in the exhibition ‘Myths of the Marble’ at Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, USA. The exhibition is organised in collaboration with Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK) in Bærum, Norway.
Curators: Alex Klein, Dorothy and Stephen R. Weber (CHE’60) Curators, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, and Milena Høgsberg, Curator, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK), Bærum, Norway
Granted amount: NOK 15 000
Ignas Krunglevicius
28 Apr 2017 – 13 May 2017Support is provided to artist Ignas Krunglevicius for the participation in the exhibition ‘Myths of the Marble’ at Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA, USA. The exhibition is organised in collaboration with Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK) in Bærum, Norway.
Curators: Alex Klein, Dorothy and Stephen R. Weber (CHE’60) Curators, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, and Milena Høgsberg, Curator, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (HOK), Bærum, Norway
Granted amount: NOK 15 000
Mette Henriette
9 May 2017 – 9 May 2017Support is provided to saxophonist Mette Henriette for the sound choreography ‘In Between’ as part of the official documenta 14 event ‘Listening Space: All the in-between spaces’ at Athens Concert Hall, Greece.
Curator: Adam Szymczyk, Artistic Director, documenta 14, Athens, Greece and Kassel, Germany
Granted amount: NOK 7 500
Fredrik Svensk
9 May 2017 – 30 Jun 2017Support is provided to curator Fredrik Svensk for the performance ‘Echo’ by artists Nils Bech and Ida Ekblad in the Pavillion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, La Biennale di Venezia 2017, Italy.
Curators: Fredrik Svensk, Sinziana Ravini, Anna van der Vliet and Christopher Yggdre, Curators, Pavillion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, La Biennale di Venezia 2017, Italy
Project dates: 9-12 May 2017 Granted amount: NOK 30 000
Victor Mutelekesha
11 May 2017 – 26 Nov 2017Support is provided to artist Victor Mutelekesha in the NSK State-in-Time Pavilion 2017 parallel to the Venice Biennale, Italy.
Curator: Zdenka Badovinac and Charles Esche, Curators, NSK State-in-Time Pavilion 2017, Venice, Italy
Granted amount: NOK 15 000
Per Berntsen
24 May 2017 – 25 Jun 2017Support is provided to artist Per Berntsen for a solo exhibition at Murmansk Regional Art Museum, Russia.
Curator: Per Berntsen
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Nils Bech
25 May 2017 – 25 May 2017Support is provided to artists Nils Bech and Ida Ekblad for a concert by Nils Bech with sculptures by Ida Ekblad at Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in London, UK.
Curator: Matt Williams, Curator, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), London, UK
Granted amount: NOK 16 703
Stiftelsen 3,14
16 Jun 2017 – 6 Aug 2017Support is provided to Stiftelsen 3,14 for the exhibition ’Shadow of Garden’. The participating artists include Vanessa Baird, Harald Fenn, Marit Justine Haugen, Kaia Hugin; and Iranian artists Mehrdad Afsari, Amirhossein Bayani, Omid Bazmandegan and Ali Nassir. ’Shadow of Garden’ will first be exhibited at Stiftelsen 3,14 in Bergen, Norway; then at the Moshen Gallery in Teheran, Iran, in autumn 2017.
Curators: Malin Barth, Orkideh Daroodi, Sissel Lillebostad, Alireza Bayat, Curators, ’Shadow of Garden’, Stiftelsen 3,14, Bergen, Norway; and Moshen Gallery, Teheran, Iran
Granted amount: NOK 26 409
Ragna Bley
25 Jun 2017 – 30 Jul 2017Support is provided to artist Ragna Bley for a solo exhibition at the artist run space Frankfurt am Main in Berlin, Germany.
Curators: Emiliano Pistacchi and Anthony Salvador, Curators, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Germany
Granted amount: NOK 12 500
Marte Eknæs
2 Jul 2017 – 20 Jul 2017Support is provided to artist Marte Eknæs for the presentation of a performative piece within the project ‘Oficina’ at Teatro Oficina in São Paulo, Brazil. Curator: Joana Medeiros, Artistic Director, ‘Oficina’, Teatro Oficina, São Paulo, Brazil
Granted amount: NOK 14 423
Camille Norment
3 Jul 2017 – 17 Jul 2017Support is provided to artist Camille Norment for the participation in the exhibition ’Soundtracks’ at SFMOMA in San Francisco, CA, USA.
Curator: Rudolf Frieling, Curator, SFMOMA, San Francisco, CA, USA
Granted amount: NOK 40 900
Lars Cuzner and Cassius Fadlabi
15 Jul 2017 – 10 Dec 2017Support is provided to artists Lars Cuzner and Cassius Fadlabi for the creation of the installation ‘Milk Bar’ for the exhibition ‘Foolproof Feelings’ at Arsenal, National Centre for Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
Curator: Alisa Savitskaya and Valentin Diaconov, Curators, National Centre for Contemporary Art (NCCA), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Granted amount: NOK 30 000
Martinka Bobrikova and Oscar De Carmen
28 Aug 2017 – 30 Sept 2017Support is provided to artists Martinka Bobrikova and Oscar De Carmen for the participation in the 5th Odessa Biennale at Museum of Odessa Modern Art, Odessa, Ukraine.
Curator: Mikhail Rashkovetsky, Curator, 5th Odessa Biennale, Ukraine
Granted amount: NOK 7 168
Johanna Lettmayer
3 Sept 2017 – 18 Sept 2017Support is provided to artist Johanna Lettmayer for the participation in the exhibition ‘Kapitales L. L wie Liebe’ (‘Capital L. L for Love (working title)) at Size Matters. Space for Art and Film in Vienna, Austria.
Curators: Sasha Pirker and Adnan Balcinovic, Curators, Size Matters. Space for Art and Film, Vienna, Austria
Granted amount: NOK 4 500
Kunsthal Charlottenborg
10 Sept 2017 – 19 Nov 2017Support is provided to Kunsthal Charlottenborg for a solo exhibition by artist Tori Wrånes at Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Denmark.
Curator: Henriette Bretton-Meyer, Curator, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Denmark
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Unni Gjertsen
15 Sept 2017 – 15 Oct 2017Support is provided to artist Unni Gjertsen for the participation in the public programme accompanying the exhibition ’Within Heritage Movements’ at MALI Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru.
Curator: Sharon Lerner, Curator, MALI Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru
Granted amount: NOK 15 000
Istanbul Biennial
16 Sept 2017 – 12 Nov 2017Support is provided to the Istanbul Foundation for Cultur for the participation of artists Pedro Goméz-Egaña and Mahmoud Khaled in the 15th Istanbul Biennial organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, Istanbul, Turkey.
Curator: Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset, Curators, 15th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey
Granted amount: NOK 27 000
30 Sept 2017 – 30 Nov 2017Support is provided to the artist group LOCA (consisting of Rachel Dagnall , Thomas Benedict Holth , Anawana Haloba and Victor Mutelekesha) for a research trip to develop the Livingstone Office of Contemporary Art in Livingstone, Zambia.
Curator: LOCA
Granted amount: NOK 12 000
Calder Harben
1 Oct 2017 – 30 Nov 2017Support is provided to artist Calder Harben for the participation in the exhibition ‘You Come At Me In Waves’ at Virkeligheten Gallery in Umeå, Sweden.
Granted amount: NOK 13 750
16 Oct 2017 – 19 Dec 2017Support is provided to MELK, an artist run initiative for new Scandinavian photography, for including artists Sandra Vaka Olsen, Kamilla Langeland, Linn Pedersen, Espen Gleditch, Sveinn Fannar Johannsson and Ole Martin Lund Bø in the exhibition ‘Dislocating Surfaces’ at Centro de La Imagen in Mexico City, Mexico.
Curators: Behzad Farazollahi and Bjarne Bare, Curators, MELK, Oslo, Norway
Granted amount: NOK 20 000
Ragnhild Aamås and Stian Ådlandsvik
1 Nov 2017 – 31 Dec 2017Support is provided to artists Ragnhild Aamås and Stian Ådlandsvik for the participation in an artist residency at URRA Tigre in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Curator: Melina Berkenwald, Director, URRA Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Granted amount: NOK 17 362
Hannah Mjølsnes
20 Nov 2017 – 20 Nov 2017Support is provided to artist Hannah Mjølsnes for a screening and artist talk at the non-profit space Human Resources Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Curator: Eric Kim, Co-Director, Human Resources Los Angeles, CA, USA
Granted amount NOK 8 000
Dillan Marsh and Eleanor Clare
15 Aug 2018 – 15 Sept 2018Support is provided to artists Dillan Marsh and Eleanor Clare for the creation of a digital artwork for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Wakefield, UK.
Curator: Damon Waldcock, Curator, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, UK
Granted amount: NOK 8 616