Recipients 2003

International Support


Per Barclay

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition at Reina Sofia, Krystallpaviljongen, Madrid.

Per Berntsen

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition at Kai Hilgemann Gallery, Berlin, Germany.

Ingrid Book, Carina Hedén

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Utopia Station, 50th Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy.

Ingar Dragset, Michael Elmgreen

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Utopia Station, 50th Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy.

Axel Ekwall

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Künstlerhaus Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.

Thomas Eriksson

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

The Soap Factory, Minneapolis, US.

Matias Faldbakken

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Kunstverein München, Munich, Germany.

Gisle Frøysland

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Hull, GB.

Marit Følstad

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition/panel discussion, Chicago Cultural Centre, Chicago, USA.

Galleri Uten Navn

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Project, Berlin, Germany, and New York, USA.

Anna Sigmund Gudmundsdottir

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, OK Center for Contemporary Art, Linz, Austria.

Mai Hofstad Gunnes

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Research program, CCA, Kitakyushu, Japan.

Benjamin Alexander Huseby

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Australian Centre of Photography, Sydney, AUS.

Mattias Härenstam, Øyvind Torseter

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Chromosome Gallery, Berlin, Germany.

Kurt Johannessen, Toril Nøst

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Gresol Art Festival, Spain.

Anders Kreuger

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Kunstmuseum Bonn

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Olav Christoffer Jenssen

Morten Løberg

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition/panel discussion, Chicago Cultural Centre, Chicago, USA.

Jannicke Låker

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Elisabeth Mathisen

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Gallery Intro, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Ole Jørgen Ness

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Display, Prague, Czech Republic.

Nils Stærk Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Jone Kvie

Sven Påhlsson

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Almine Rech Gallery, Paris, France.

Eivind Reierstad

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Whitney Museum, New York, USA.

Hilde Rognskog

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Project, Slovakia.

Erik Snedsbøl

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, KIASMA, Helsinki, Finland.

Anne Kathrine Solbakken

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Gresol Art Festival, Spain.

Jonas Stampe

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Nordic Biennial for Contemporary Art, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Lars Traegde

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, L'Orangeru, Sauna's place, Stockholm, Sweden.

Snorre Ytterstad

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition, Switzerland.

Knut Åsdam

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

One man show at Mercer Union, Toronto.

Jana Winderen

1 Mar – 1 Mar 2003

Exhibition, Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, Germany.

Bjørn Hegardt

1 Jun – 1 Oct 2003

Exhibition, Wild West at Galerie Augenblick - Raum für Gegenwartskunst, Berlin, Germany, June 2003. Basecamp, Philadelphia, USA, October 2003.

Elin T. Sørensen

1 Jun – 1 Aug 2003

Exhibition, Adjointing Structures Innocence and Mystery, Berlin, Germany.


Line Bergseth

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003


Ida Kierulf, Helga Maria Nordby

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2004

Curators for exhibition, The UKS Biennial, Unge Kunstneres Samfund (UKS), Oslo, Norway. Research trip to Amsterdam, Berlin and London.

Kira Wager

24 Jan – 22 Feb 2003

Exhibition, Rare Gallery, New York, USA.

Børre Sæthre

1 Sept – 1 Nov 2003

Exhibition, Quarantine series, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Piotr Zamecznik

1 Sept – 1 Nov 2003

Curator for exhibition at The Center for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsawa, Poland.


5 Sept – 11 Nov 2003

Tor-Magnus Lundeby. Exhibition, The leisure club Mogadishni, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Mariken Kramer, Madeleine Park

6 Sept – 14 Sept 2003

Exhibition, Nordic Live Art 2003, Göteborg Kunstmuseum and Göteborg Kunsthall, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Liv Bugge

12 Sept – 18 Oct 2003

Exhibition, Dead Set, Gallery Annie Gentils, Antwerpen, Belgium.

Anna Sigmond Gudmundsdottír

12 Sept – 12 Sept 2003

Exhibition, Gallery dontmiss, Berlin (Frankfurt-based gallery), Germany.

Kalle Grude, Kenneth Langås, Jana Winderen

15 Sept – 15 Sept 2003

Exhibition, The Loft, Kunming, China.

Hans Ragnar Mathisen

26 Sept – 16 Oct 2003

Exhibition, Schule für Holzbildhauerei, Brienz, Switzerland.

Jørn Tomter

27 Sept – 7 Nov 2003

The Gallery at Pentagram, London, UK.

Anki King

28 Sept – 6 Oct 2003

Exhibition, Gran, Hadeland/Norway.

Gisle Frøysland

1 Oct – 5 Oct 2003

Exhibition, Easy Listening & Dissonanz Festival, Rome, Italy.

Torstein Nybø

1 Oct – 1 Oct 2003

Curator for exhibition and seminar contribution to Archive Season at Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA), London, UK.

Karl Ingar Røys

1 Oct – 25 Oct 2003

Exhibition, Palladium, Gallery X, Istanbul, Turkey.

Kalle Runeson

4 Oct – 26 Oct 2003

Exhibition, Galleri 21, Malmö, Sweden.

Sven Påhlsson 1

4 Oct – 4 Oct 2003

Exhibition, FIAC, Paris, France.

Roald Andersen, Morten Liene

31 Oct – 1 Nov 2003

Exhibition, Urban Light Works, annual International Public Art event, Richmond, Virginia, USA.

Anne Katrine Solbakken

31 Oct – 1 Nov 2003

Exhibition, Urban Light Works, annual International Public Art event, Richmond, Virginia, USA.

Eline McGeorge

1 Nov – 1 Dec 2003

Exhibition, Gallery Niklas von Bartha, London, UK.

Sissel Tolaas

1 Nov – 1 Dec 2003

Exhibition, Fondation Cartier, Paris, France.

Jana Winderen

1 Nov – 1 Nov 2003

Lecture/workshop at Fylkingen - New Music and Intermedia Art, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sven Påhlsson

4 Nov – 4 Nov 2003

Exhibition, Spencer Brownstone Gallery, New York, USA.

Pollock Fine Art

15 Nov – 22 Dec 2003

Bjarne Melgaard. Exhibition, Sketch Gallery, London, UK, in collaboration with Pollock Fine Art.

Øyvind Renberg

1 Jan – 31 Mar 2004

Post-graduate residency, Samziespace Art Center, Seoul, South Korea.

Marit Følstad

1 Feb – 1 Feb 2004

Exhibition, Strategies for Living, Museum of Installation, London, UK.

Kjell Bjørgeengen

1 May – 1 Jul 2004

Exhibition, Center for contemporary non-objective art (CCNOA), Brussels, Beglium.


Bergen Kunsthall

A.K. Dolven. Festspill exhibition touring to Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland, CAC Vilnius, Lithuania, Statens Museum for Kunst, København, Denmark.

Ballongmagasinet (Søssa Jørgensensen, Siri Austven, Elin T. Sørensen)

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Jone Kvie

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Represented by Nils Stærk Contemporary Art at invitational Up and Coming: Nordic Countries programme, ARCO 04 Madrid, Spain.

Fin Serck-Hanssen

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Exhibition Mad About the Boy: 20th Century Male Same Sex Lovers in the Visual Arts, The New Art Gallery Walsall, UK.

Leif Inge Xi

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

9 Beet Strech project, audio-DVD, release in USA.

Mikkel McAlinden

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Teaching, Academy of Kabul, Afghanistan.

Marius Wang

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2003

Galleri Pastor Bonus' public relations trip to galleries and art spaces in Bogotá, Columbia and Mexico City, Mexico: Galeria Valenzuela y Klenner Arte Cont. Bogotá, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Epocentro.

Mesic Rus, Julio J. Fernandes da Silva

28 Feb – 2 Apr 2003

Project The House of Heads, Galerie Forum Berlin am Meer, Germany.

Gardar Eide Einarsson

1 Nov – 20 Nov 2003

Exhibition Lösen si ihren bonus ein, Am Parlamentsplatz/Revolver, Frankfurt, Germany.

Anneke von der Fehr, Anne Brit Rage, Karl Ingar Røys, Kjersti Sundland

1 Nov – 1 Dec 2003

Teatro Magnético to Monserrat, Spain.

Sven Påhlsson

24 Nov – 24 Nov 2003

Exhibition, Triennale di Milano, Italy.

Therese Nordtvedt

27 Nov – 18 Dec 2003

Exhibition, A22 Gallery, London, UK.

Eva Lange, Jan Svensen

1 Dec – 1 Jan 2004

Exhibition, Cairo Ateliet.

Cecilie Dahl

3 Dec – 7 Dec 2003

Clothes for a Summer Hotel - Exhibition, Miami, USA.

Martin Skauen

4 Dec – 8 Dec 2003

Exhibition, Gallerie Annie Gentils, Antwerpen, Belgium.

New Meaning/Ebba Moi

20 Dec – 20 Dec 2003

New Meaning Radio.

Thomas Pihl

10 Jan – 10 Jan 2004

Exhibition, Gallery Nanky de Vreze, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Jan Valentin Sæther

10 Jan – 2 Feb 2004

Exhibition, Galleri 21, Malmö, Sweden.

Jorunn Hanstvedt

16 Jan – 16 Jan 2005

Exhibition, Nature-highly artificial, The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany.

Per Berntsen, Bente Geving, Thorbjørn Sørensen, Anders Tomren

22 Jan – 22 Mar 2004

Exhibition, Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, Germany.

Toril Goksøyr, Camilla Martens

22 Jan – 26 Jan 2004

Festival of International New Drama, Berlin, Germany.

Anne Szefer Karlsen

24 Jan – 24 Jan 2004

Ars Baltica Photo Triennale, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Doris Frohnaphfel

28 Jan – 12 Mar 2004

Exhibition, Change+Partner Contemporary Art, Rome, Italy.

Marianne Høyland, Bente L. Jakobsen

1 Feb – 1 Mar 2004

Post-graduate support. Artists in Residency Program, Stundars, Solf, Finland.

Palais de Tokyo

12 Feb – 25 Apr 2004

Bjarne Melgaard. Exhibition PLAYLIST, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France.


1 Mar – 1 Mar 2004

Exchange program Ultra Hot Wired Live Art, workshop-exhibition-seminar with artists from Uganda and Norway. Curator: Bo Krister Wallström

Sigbjørn Bratlie

11 Mar – 11 Apr 2004

Exhibition, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Viel Bjerkeset Andersen

1 Apr – 1 Apr 2004

Exhibition, Den Gylne, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Helge Korvald

1 Apr – 1 May 2004

Exhibition, Galerie Pascale Corrard Olsson, Stockholm, Sweden.

Curator Anders Kreuger

2 Apr – 2 May 2004

Ann Lislegaard. Exhibition The Violence of Tone, W 139, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Tine Aamodt

3 Apr – 25 Apr 2004

Exhibition with artist group ACME, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Elisabet Norseng

16 Apr – 7 May 2004

Exhibition, Gallery Sâlon Privé - Sergio Rispoli, Rome, Italy.

Karen Kipphoff

11 Jun – 11 Jun 2004

Exhibition, Kunstraum Kreutxberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany.

Dag Nordbrenden

8 Nov – 6 Dec 2004

Exhibition, Galleri Natalia Goldin, Stockholm, Sweden.


Busan Biennial

1 Jan – 1 Jan 2004

Knut Åsdam. Busan, South-Korea.

3rd Berlin biennale, Berlin, Germany

14 Feb – 14 Feb 2004

Ingrid Book, Carina Hedén

3rd Berlin biennale, Germany

14 Feb – 14 Feb 2004

Maria Bustnes.

Sissel Tolaas

14 Feb – 14 Feb 2004

3rd Berlin biennale, Berlin.

Kim Hiorthøy

11 Jun – 30 Sept 2004

Manifesta 5, San Sebastian, Spain.

Ingrid Book, Carina Hedén

25 Sept – 19 Dec 2004

Invited by OCA to participate in São Paolo biennale, Brazil, (National Participation).


1 Oct – 1 Oct 2004

Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, UK.

Matias Faldbakken

12 Jun – 6 Nov 2005

Venice Biennial, Nordic Pavillion. Curator: Åsa Nacking.