Leander Djønne
1 Dec 2010 – 1 Jan 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Leander Djønne (b.1981 in Odda, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in the El Parche Artist Residency in Bogotá, Colombia. During his residency, he will produce an installation based upon the shipwreck of The Bark Bogotá, a slave ship from 1859. Djønne will also organise a discursive programme in relation to the project in which he plans to investigate 'how refusal and violence is an important and powerful reaction to the imposition of domination but it alone does not extend beyond the negative gesture'. Curators: Olga Robayo and Marius Wang, curators and founders, El Parche Artist Residency
Anne Guro Larsmon
3 Dec 2010 – 22 Dec 2010Support provided for the solo exhibition 'Girl, Interrupted' by the artist Anne Guro Larsmon (b.1981 in Austmarka, Finnskogen, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) at STYX projects in Berlin, Germany. The exhibition will take the form of a site-specific installation with objects, scents and sounds, which, according to curator Michael Rade, 'deals with traces, history and identity' in an attempt to 'conjure up non-linear narratives'. Larsmon has invited the artist Marthe Ramm Fortun to engage in a spoken-word performance in response to the exhibition. Curator: Michael Rade, founding director, STYX projects
Morten Norbye Halvorsen
4 Dec 2010 – 4 Dec 2010Support provided for the participation of the artist Morten Norbye Halvorsen (b.1980 in Stavanger, Norway, lives and works in London, UK) in the one-night-only programme 'Clifford Irving Show' at Objectif Exhibitions in Antwerp, Belgium. Conceived by curator Raimundas Malasauskas and titled eponymously in relation the unauthorised biographer of Howard Hughes, the programme takes the form of a live variety show that revolves around the central question 'Where do authors go when characters interrupt the story?'. Malasauskas writes that the programme 'will star a variety of stories, performances, characters and audiences'. Other participating artists include Ayreen Anastas, Rene Gabri, Steven Baelen, Marco Belfiore, Elise Berkvens and Pierre Bismuth, among others. Curator: Raimundas Malasauskas, independent curator, for Objectif Exhibitions, Antwerp, Belgium
D21 Kunstraum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
9 Dec 2010 – 9 Dec 2010Support provided for the participation of the artist Lene Berg (b.1965 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Berlin, Germany) in 'Reihe Experimentalfilm #31', a monthly one-night event at D21 Kunstraum Leipzig, which investigates practices in contemporary film and video. The artist will present a selection of her films and engage in a dialogue with the audience. Curator: Sarah Schipschack, curator, D21 Kunstraum Leipzig
Yngve Holen
11 Dec 2010 – 19 Feb 2011Support provided for the participation of Yngve Holen (b.1982 in Braunschweig, Germany, lives and works in Stavanger, Norway) in the group exhibition 'The Smart Frrridge' at Kunstverein Medienturm in Graz, Austria. The exhibition takes the form of a smart refrigerator, divided conceptually into six compartments (or rooms in the exhibition space) so that each room appears, according to curator Sandro Droschl, 'like an open fridge in the dark shining a directional light, illuminating the works of artists'. Other participating artists include Nicolas Ceccaldi, Simon Denny and Ilja Karilampi, among others. Curators: Sandro Droschl and Yngve Holen
Liv Bugge
19 Dec 2010 – 19 Dec 2010Support provided for the launch of the book 'You make me want to die in the countryside-a meditation on Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad' by the artist Liv Bugge (b.1974 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo). According to the artist, the book uses the places and characters in 'Heart of Darkness' to 'deal with post-colonialism and its storytelling, history-writing and language'. The book will be launched at Konsthall C in Stockholm, Sweden, Útúrdúr Bókabúð in Reykjavik, Iceland and Motto in Berlin, Germany. The book launch will be accompanied by screenings and talks at each location. Publisher: Torpedo Press, Oslo, Norway
Anawana Haloba, Milumbe Haimbe and Gabi Ngcobo
3 Jan 2011 – 6 Jan 2011Support provided for the development of a research project — titled 'Relocating possible Arts histories in a Pan-African Lusaka of the 1960s and it's relation to the contemporary art now in a glabalized world' — by the artists Anawana Haloba(b.1978 in Livingstone, Zambia, lives and works in Oslo, Norway), Milumbe Haimbe (b.1974 in Lusaka, Zambia, lives and works in Lusaka), Victor Mutelekesha (b.1976 in Zambia, lives and work in Oslo) and Gabi Ngcobo (b.1974 in Durban, South Africa, lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa), which will investigate artistic practices in Zambia in relation to historical contexts. To facilitate their research, the artists will collaborate with the Insaka triangle Art network/Zambia National Visual Council. According to the artists, the project 'will be a platform to consider central questions about how artistic production can help us to deconstruct particular readings of history and how historical context informs the artistic creation'. Organiser: Kenneth Zenzele Chulu, Insaka triangle Art network/Zambia National Visual Council
Maya Økland, Hilde Jørgensen and Kristin Tårnesvik
5 Jan 2011 – 23 Jan 2011Support provided for the participation of the artists Maya Økland (b.1980 in Bergen, Norway, lives and works in Bergen), Hilde Jørgensen (b.1973 in Sandnessjøen, Norway, lives and works in Bergen) and Kristin Tårnesvik (b.1964 in Tromsø, Norway, lives and works in Bergen) in the exhibition 'BLACKOUT Helsinki' at Galleri Huuto, Helsinki, Finland. The exhibition is the result of a collaboration between Flagfabrikken in Bergen, Norway and Galleri Huuto, which was initiated to promote Finnish artists in Norway and Norwegian artists in Finland. According to curators Juhanna Moisander and Minna Suoniemi, 'BLACKOUT' refers to 'the ambiguous notion of control, or the lack of it in Nordic societies, which can be described as attempts at organising freedom and living within such strict forensic structures that the idle often suffer hard consequences such as suicide, alcoholism, or violence'. Curators: Juhanna Moisander and Minna Suoniemi, curators, Galleri Huuto
Toril Johannessen
10 Jan 2011 – 25 Apr 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Toril Johannessen (b.1978 in Trondheim, Norway, live and works in Bergen, Norway) in the alternative higher education programme of the Mountain School of the Arts^ (MSA^) in Los Angeles, CA, USA. According to MSA^ founders Eric Wesley and Piero Golia, the programme serves 'the unique objective of supplying the academic community with a distinct brand of cultural fortification'. International in scope, MSA^ provides students with 'a stress-free, mutually beneficial and organic alternative to the typical university'. Organisers: Eric Wesley and Piero Golia, founders, Mountain School of the Arts^
Lina Viste Grønli
10 Jan 2011 – 31 Jan 2011Support provided for the solo exhibition 'The Albaphet & Other Writings' by the artist Lina Viste Grønli (b.1976 in Bergen, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in the Project Room of the WIELS Contemporary Art Centre in Brussels, Belgium. The artist recently completed a nine-month residency at WIELS and the exhibition will present new work produced during this time. According to curator Devrim Bayar, the exhibition 'will be comprised of selected sculptural and textual elements regarding Grønli's investigations into semantics and the written word'. Grønli has invited the performance artist Nils Bech to perform at the opening of the exhibition. Curator: Devrim Bayar, residency coordinator, WIELS Contemporary Art Centre
Victor Boullet
14 Jan 2011 – 6 Feb 2011Support provided for the participation of Victor Boullet (b.1969 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Paris, France) in the Berlin-Paris Gallery Exchange organised by the Institute of Social Hypocrisy in Paris, France. His project, titled 'This Spectacle', will be installed at Sommer & Kohl Gallery in Berlin, Germany. According to the artist, his works 'will aim to discuss the how the grand spectacle within a great many current art exhibitions proves to be hypocritical in its approach to art by largely providing purely visual entertainment and spectacle instead of a deeper discourse'. Other participating artists include Dag Erik Elgin and Merlin Carpenter. Project Manager: Cédric Aurelle, referent for visual arts, cultural service of the French Embassy, Berlin, Germany
Unni Gjertsen
15 Jan 2011 – 13 Feb 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Unni Gjertsen (b.1966 in Sjøvegan, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in the solo exhibition 'Beyond Oxiana' at No 1 Shanthi Road Gallery in Bangalore, India. According to the artist, this text-based project, which developed from interviews with Chinese artists and intellectuals, 'departs from an interest in the spatial organization of memories and how we picture or conceive the world'. Curator: Suman Gopinath, founder, CoLab Art & Architecture, Bangalore
Bjarne Melgaard
1 Feb 2011 – 31 May 2011Support provided for the artist Bjarne Melgaard (b.1967 in Sydney, Australia, lives and works in New York, NY, USA) to steer a course titled 'Beyond Death: Viral Discontents and Contemporary Notions about AIDS' at the Faculty of Design and Arts, Universitá Iuav di Venezia, Italy. The programme will consist of lectures, workshops, screenings and seminars as part of Norway's representation at the 54th edition of the Venice Biennale in 2011. The programme will conclude with a public project developed by Melgaard in collaboration with the attending artist and curators, as well as a publication gathering the research materials and developments taking place within the programme. Organiser: Angela Vettese, director of the Graduate Programme in Visual Arts, Universitá Iuav di Venezia
Juste Kostikovaite
1 Feb 2011 – 11 Jun 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Ignas Krunglevicius (b.1979 in Kaunas, Lithuania, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in the project 'SPHERES. Power and Poverty' at UQBAR project space in Berlin, Germany. According to the curator Juste Kostikovaite, the project will take the form of a workshop in which participants will 'address the notions of power and poverty as elements of social policy in the context of the welfare state and culture and, most importantly, current art practice in Lithuania, Germany and Nordic countries'. Other project participants include Arturas Bumsteinas and Elva Olafsdottir, among others. Curator: Juste Kostikovaite, independent curator based in Vilnius, Lithuania, for UQBAR project space
Sparwasser HQ, Berlin, Germany
1 Feb 2011 – 1 Sept 2011Support provided for the development of the project 'Microscenes' at Sparwasser HQ, a non-profit artist-run space in Berlin. Curator Marianne Zamecznik (b.1972 in Trondheim, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) and artist Anders Sembye (b.1975 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo) were invited for residencies in order to develop a case study for Norway in relation to what Sparwasser HQ curator Lise Nelleman describes as a 'peculiar phenomenon of Berlin — the proliferation of different artist communities, around a specific nationality or place of origin'. During their residency periods in Berlin, Zamecznik will develop a discursive programme and Anders Smebye will organise a re-enactment of his former Oslo-based project space Bastard. Curator: Lise Nelleman, curator, Sparwasser HQ
Geir M. Brungot
3 Feb 2011 – 20 Feb 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Geir M. Brungot (b.1962 in Herøy, Norway, lives and works in Sykkylven, Norway) in the solo exhibition titled 'Fragile Memories Recycled' at the Meetfactory, Prague, Czech Republic. He will present two new series of photographs shot in Prague and Norway titled Campingvogner (2010) and Inside-Outside (2010). All of the images are, according to the artist, 'without humans, but talk a lot about human behaviour and ways to be'. Curator: Dusan Zahoransky, curator, Meetfactory, Prague, Czech Republic
Sol Kjøk
4 Feb 2011 – 28 Apr 2011Support provided for 'The North Stars: Blue, White and Red', a series of three exhibitions at Gallery .NO in the Lower East Side neighbourhood of New York, NY, USA. According to curator Sol Kjøk (b.1968 in Lillehammer, Norway, lives and works in New York), the series of exhibitions are structured 'around the colours of the Norwegian flag-both drawing on and questioning the rich traditions of symbolism and psychological charge inherent in these three hues, each exhibition chapter will focus on one single colour'. 'Blue' will include the artists Ulf Nilsen (b.1950 in Trondheim, Norway, lives and works in Nesodden, Norway), Andre von Morisse (b.1966 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in New York), Åsil Bøthun (b.1971 in Stavanger, Norway, lives and works in Oslo and Kabelvåg, Norway), Mikkel Wettre (b.1974 in Norway, lives and works in Oslo), Kjetil Skøien (b.1952 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo) and TEGNEKLUBBEN (Martin Skauen, b.1975 in Fredrikstad, Norway, lives and works in Berlin, Germany; Terje Nicolaisen, b.1964 in Drammen, Norway, lives and works in Oslo; Paul Dring, b.1966 in Derby, England, lives and works in Oslo; Ulf Verner Carlsson, b.1966 in Borås, Sweden, lives and works in Oslo; Bjørn Bjarre, b.1966, Oslo, lives and works in Oslo). 'White' will include the artists Ane Graff (b.1974 in Bodø, Norway, lives and works in Oslo and Berlin), Finn Graff (b.1938 in Wangerooge, Germany, lives and works in Oslo), Björn Hegardt (b.1974 in Sweden, lives and works in Berlin), Lotto Konow Lund (b.1967 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo), Agnes Nerdregaard (b.1975 in Bergen, lives and works in Bergen and Glasgow, Scotland, UK), Stefan Schröder (b.1966 in Dresden, Germany, lives and works in Oslo and Dresden), Kristin Skrivervik (b.1954 in Nordfjordeid, Norway, lives and works in Nesodden, Norway), Lars Strandh (b.1961 in Göteborg, Sweden, lives and works in Oslo). 'Red' will include the artists Anki King (b.1970 in Harestua, Norway, lives and works in New York), Hanne Lydia O. Kristoffersen (b.1964 in Tromsø, Norway, lives and works in Oslo), Ulf Nilsen (b.1950 in Trondheim, lives and works in Nesodden), Rune Olsen (b.1971 in Bergen, lives and works in New York), Marianne Darlen Solhaugstrand (b.1975 in Tromsø, lives and works in Oslo), Marit Victoria Wulff (b.1971 in Kasfjord, Norway, lives and works in Stavanger). Curators: Sol Kjøk, founder of Gallery .NO
Synnøve G. Wetten
5 Feb 2011 – 26 Feb 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Synnøve G. Wetten (b.1978 in Akershus, Norway, lives and works in Malmø, Sweden) in the solo exhibition 'TRANS-PANTHERS-Abstract Labyrinths' at Galleri S:t Gertrud in Malmø, Sweden. According to the artist, the project 'is motivated from a bio-political perspective where gender, body and identity is being questioned and is in a state of transformation'. Combining video sequences of the Brazilian transsexual porn actor Camilla De Castro with material relating to the artist's own background as an androgyne fashion model, the project creates 'an audiovisual labyrinth in the border between documentary and fictional — a synthesis between poetic and political subjects'. Organiser: Maria Nyberg, Gallery Manager, Konstfrämjandet Skåne, Malmø, Sweden
Kristoffer Myskja
10 Feb 2011 – 3 Apr 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Kristoffer Myskja (b.1985 in Finnsnes, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in a group exhibition based around artistic approaches to mathematics at Central Booking, a non-profit gallery in New York, NY, USA. The artist will present his installation Rule 30 (2010), which he describes as 'a purely mechanical machine that produces a complex pattern on a roll of paper'. Curator: Maddy Rosenberg, founder of Central Booking
Karolin Tampere
10 Feb 2011 – 20 Feb 2011Support provided for the participation of Søssa Jørgensen (b.1968 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Skiptvet, Norway), Geir Tore Holm (b.1966 in Tromsø, Norway, lives and works in Skiptvet, Norway), Stefan Mitterer (b.1983 in Zell am See, Austria, lives and works in Bergen, Norway), and Karolin Tampere (b.1978 in Tallinn, Estonia, lives and works in Bergen, Norway) in a workshop titled 'Essay No 1' at the Karukinka Natural Park, Punta Arenas, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. The workshop will include 23 international professionals from the fields of art, humanities and science developing ideas around a series of proposed topics. According to Tampere, one of the many topics the group will address is the 'move in critical artistic activity today towards the furthering of the notion that art can, and does, add a critical and practical perspective to the task of preserving certain cultural and environmental resources from loss, enforced change or mindless decay'. Curator: Camila Marambio, curator and co-organizer, Parque Natural Karukinka, Punta Arenas, Tierra del Fuego, Chile
Entrée, Bergen, Norway
17 Feb 2011 – 20 Feb 2011Support provided for the participation of Entrée (an artist-run non-profit gallery in Bergen) in Supermarket 2011, an alternative art fair in Stockholm, Sweden, which provides a showcase for artists' initiatives from all over the world in order to create new international networks. At the fair, Entrée will present a project by the artist Gabriel Kvendseth (b.1984 in Karlsøy, Troms, Norway, lives and works in Bergen), which, according to the artist, includes 'textual object/sculptures, a series of text prints and a series of handmade weapons produced from rather commonplace tools and objects'. Curators: Pontus Raud, Andreas Ribbung and Meggi Sandell, organisers, Supermarket 2011
Small Projects, Tromsø, Norway
17 Feb 2011 – 20 Feb 2011Support provided for the participation of Small Projects (an artist-run non-profit gallery in Tromsø, Norway) in Supermarket 2011, an alternative art fair in Stockholm, Sweden, which provides a showcase for artists' initiatives from all over the world in order to create new international networks. Small Projects plans to use its space in the fair to stage performances by several emerging performance artists from Bergen, Kristiansand, Oslo and Tromsø, including Laurent Fauconnier (b.1959 in Paris, France, lives and works in Tromsø), Karen Skog (b.1982 in Kristiansand, Norway, lives and works in Bergen, Norway) and Margarida Paiva (b.1975 in Coimbra, Portugal, lives and works in Oslo, Norway), among others. Curator: Jet Pascua, founder, Small Projects
Zoë Gray
22 Feb 2011 – 1 May 2011Support provided for the participation of Ane Hjort Guttu (b.1971 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo) in the group exhibition 'Making is Thinking' at the Witte De With Centre for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. According to curator Zoë Gray, the exhibition 'seeks to collapse the persistent dichotomy between the practical and the intellectual in art practice'. An accompanying publication will be produced over the course of the exhibition and made available to the public in online instalments. Other participating artists include Eva Berendes, Julia Dault, Koki Tanaka and Rita McBride, among others. Curator: Zoë Gray, curator, Witte de With Centre for Contemporary Art
Eivind Reierstad
5 Mar 2011 – 27 Mar 2011Support provided for the solo exhibition 'Pacto Femininum' by the artist Eivind Reierstad/Ane Lan (b.1972 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Kløfta, Norway) at the Pinacoteca Municipal Miguel Angelo Pucci in Franca, São Paulo, Brazil. Based on performative actions by Reierstad as his feminine alter-ego Ane Lan, the project takes the form of a series of portrait photographs in which the artist says he 'questions traditional gender roles related to clichés of suffering women and investigates the psychology of suffering and being a victim'. In addition to the exhibition, the artist will also participate in community outreach programmes designed to raise awareness of violence against women in Brazilian communities. Curator: Vitor Monico Truzzi, PAPO Art Dialogs, International Art Office, Oslo
Be Andr
15 Mar 2011 – 29 Apr 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Be Andr (b.1978 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in London, UK) in the group exhibition 'Happily Ever After' at Yaffo 23, the new project space of the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, Israel. The artist will produce a site-specific, text-based installation. In framing a context for the exhibition, curator Maria Nicolacopoulou writes that 'from within a society of excess, individual and cultural alienation, political conflict and religious fanaticism, seven contemporary artists from around the world explore the nature of happiness and confront its misconceptions, on a personal, social and political level, in a dialogue to explore art's prolific identity'. Other participating artists include Charlie Koolhaas & Angelbert Metoyer, Silia Ka Tung, Pablo Ferrer and Mounir Fatmi. Curator: Maria Nicolacopoulou, independent curator based in London, for Yaffo 23, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design
Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico
26 Mar 2011 – 14 Jul 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Matias Faldbakken (b.1973 in Hobro, Denmark, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in the group exhibition 'Abstract Possible' at the Museo Tamayo in Mexico City, Mexico. The exhibition is part of a series titled 'Minor Histories, Larger Worlds', which explores the relationship between the historical and the contemporary at the institution over the next three years. According to curator Maria Lind, 'Abstract Possible' investigates how 'artists contemplate and engage with the legacy of modernist abstraction as the result of highly specific artistic and ideological trajectories'. Other participating artists include Claudia Fernández and Jose León Cerrillo, among many others. Curator: Maria Lind, independent curator based in Stockholm, Sweden, for Museo Tamayo in Mexico City, Mexico
Haninge Konsthall, Haninge, Sweden
2 Apr 2011 – 8 May 2011Support provided for the solo exhibition 'Height Operation' by the artist Tori Wrånes (b.1978 in Kristiansand, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) at the Haninge Konsthall. The artist writes that the 'project revolves around the body in the studio and how it is affected by various projects'. The exhibition will consist of a video, seven photographs and a sculpture hanging under the high ceiling of the exhibition space. Curator: Johanne Nordby Wernoe, independent curator based in Stockholm
Hans Christian Gilje
29 Apr 2011 – 29 May 2011Support provided for the solo exhibition 'Blink Brussels' by the artist Hans Christian Gilje (b.1969 in Kongsberg, Norway, lives and works in Bergen, Norway) at iMAL – center for Digital Cultures and Technology in Brussels, Belgium. The artist will work at the center for a month to create a site-specific installation of 'Blink', an ongoing project he has produced at several locations. According to curator Yves Bernard, 'Blink Brussels' will be a 'new version, extended and adapted to the specificities of our venue, augmenting, amplifying, expanding or re-interpreting our physical space with its audiovisual content'. Curator: Yves Bernard, artistic director, iMAL
Are Blytt
1 May 2011 – 31 May 2011Support provided for the participation of the Are Blytt (b.1981 in Bergen, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in a one-month residency at Circolo Scandinavo's Residency for Nordic Artists in Rome, Italy. The artist will create new work for a presentation at the conclusion of the residency. He will also deliver a public lecture and participate in educational programmes. Curator: Mette Perregaard, director, Circolo Scandinavo
Lise Charlotte Konow Lund
2 May 2011 – 14 May 2011Support provided for the development of a public art project by the artist Lise Charlotte Konow Lund (b.1967 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo) within the programme 'Nordic Art and Azerbaijani Art Stations', organised by the Open Society Institute in Baku, Azerbaijan. The artist will base her activities in the cultural house of the suburban community of Quala, where she will embroider a carpet the she says will represent 'those things that bring Azerbaijan and Norway together'. Other participating artists include Ahmed Faig, Backa Karin Ivarsdottir and Johanna Hyrkas, among others. Curator: Catrin Lundquist, curator, Art & Learning Department, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Nicola Trezzi
19 May 2011 – 11 Sept 2011Support provided for the participation of the artist Ida Ekblad (b.1980 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo) in the Prague Biennale 5 in the Czech Republic. Her work will be included in the section titled 'Expanded Painting', which, according to curator Nicola Trezzi, 'considers the work of artists who do not necessarily work only with painting, but rather with artists whose practices speak about the legacy of the medium'. Trezzi goes on to state that Ekblad's 'work perfectly embodies the idea of the section "Expanded Painting" which speaks about the cross-pollination between painting and other mediums such as installation and performance'. Curator: Nicola Trezzi, independent curator, Milan, Italy, for Prague Biennale 5
Performa, New York, NY, USA
1 Nov 2011 – 21 Nov 2011Support provided for the development of the project 'Happy Days in the Artworld', a staged theatrical performance by Elmgreen & Dragset (Ingar Dragset, b.1969 in Trondheim, Norway, lives and works in Berlin). Co-commissioned with Dublin Contemporary, Dublin, Ireland, the project will be an approximately one-hour performance with two performers. According to the curator RoseLee Goldberg, the project 'expands upon the artists' use of theatre as a platform to highlight the art world's intrigue with celebrity'. The project will be presented during the Performa 11 Biennial at a venue in the Times Square theatre district of New York. Curator: RoseLee Goldberg, founding director and curator, Performa
Heidi Bale Amundsen and Gerd Elise Mørland
1 Aug 2012 – 1 Aug 2012Support provided to the curators Heidi Bale Amundsen (b.1983 in Bærum, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) and Gerd Elise Mørland (b.1976 in Haugesund, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) for research trips to Utrecht and Eindhoven, The Netherlands and London, UK. The purpose of the trips is to conduct interviews with various artists and curators in relation to the project 'BEYOND MODE ONE', which, according to Amundsen and Mørland, investigates new modes of 'knowledge production which is context oriented, problem focused and transdisciplinary'. Centred around the University of Oslo, the project attempts to 'ask if the crossing of the practice-based knowledge production of the artworld and the theoretical perspective of academia, will lead to fruitful collaboration and exchange'. Curators: Heidi Bale Amundsen and Gerd Elise Mørland, independent curators
Museum of Contemporary Art KIASMA
15 Apr 2010 – 27 Nov 2010Support provided for the participation of Samba Fall (b.1977 in Dakar, Senegal, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in ARS 11 at the Museum of Contemporary Art KIASMA in Helsinki, Finland. ARS is an event within the contemporary art field taking place in the Nordic countries since 1961. ARS 11 will, according to the curators, attempt to 'shatter the narrow perception of African contemporary visual art as mere modern reiterations of ancient traditions'. Other artists participating in the exhibition include Georges Adeagbo, Sammy Baloji and Ursula Biemann, among others. Curators: Pirkko Siitari, director, KIASMA, Arja Miller, chief curator, KIASMA and Jari-Pekka Vanhala, curator, ARS 11
Stian Ådlandsvik
23 Sept 2010 – 10 Oct 2010Support provided for Stian Ådlandsvik's participation at MOT International, London, UK. In the exhibition, Ådlandsvik will present my left arm is your right arm (2010), a work resulting from a collaboration with the artist Lutz-Rainer Müller. According to the artists, the project leading to my left arm is your right arm, began with the ordering of 'CT-Scans of Lutz-Rainer Müllers left arm and Stian Ådlansvik's right arm, which were used to produce duplicates of every bone in their arms cast in Polyamide. After travelling with these bones in a suitcase, a London-based fortune teller did a reading of the placement of the bones'. Curator: Wiebke Gronemeyer, curator, MOT International
Stein Koksvik
24 Sept 2010 – 9 Oct 2010Support provided for Stein Koksvik's participation in the group exhibition 'Hotchpotch' at the Lx-factory in Lisbon, Portugal. 'Hotchpotch' is an ongoing exhibition project initiated by Norwegian artists Javier Barrios (b.1979 in Mexico, lives and works in Oslo), Petter Garaas (b.1978 in Kongsberg, Norway, lives and works in London, UK), Christian Kolverud (b.1973 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo) and Marius Engstrøm (b.1975 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo). Within 'Hotchpotch' Koksvik will present his work Obrigado meu Deus mais uma vez (2010), a set of drawings presented both on trolleys and in video projections. Coordinator: Nevena Pejic, coordinator, Hotchpotch
Kulturforeningen Konsthall C
1 Oct 2010 – 30 Mar 2011Support provided for the participation of Joar Nango (b.1979 in Alta, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) and Åsa Sonjasdotter (b.1966 in Lund, Sweden, lives and works in Tromsø, Norway) within the project 'Home Sweet Home' at Konsthall C in Stockholm, Sweden. The project 'investigates the tension between individuals' desire to shape their lives and the overall concepts and structures that govern planning and housing policy'. The exhibition will present the results of an extended research phase conducted in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Art in Tromsø. Curators: Kim Einarsson, director, Konsthall C, Johan Tirén, artist based in Stockholm, and Niklas Östholm, writer and independent curator based in Stockholm
Ayman Alazraq
10 Oct 2010 – 16 Oct 2010Support provided for Ayman Alazraq's solo exhibition 'You, From now on, are not yourself' at Windows from Gaza for Contemporary Art, Gaza, Palestine State. The exhibition investigates the political and religious situation in Palestine by 'bringing into juxtaposition the political imagery with the basic human situation along with each individuals relationship to the 'monument' as a personal epitaph for ambitions, survival and suffering' Curator: Basel El Maquosy, Founder, Windows from Gaza for Contemporary Art
Kunstverein Hamburg
15 Oct 2010 – 28 Nov 2010Support provided for the participation of Ingrid Lønningdal (b.1981 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo), Cato Løland (b.1982 in Stord, Norway, lives and works in Bergen, Norway) and the artist collective Institute for Colour (Ingrid Lønningdal; Steffen Håndlykken, b.1981 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo; Silje R. Hogstad, b.1977 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo; Elisabeth Schei, b.1980 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo) in the exhibition 'Zwischenraum: Space Between' at the Kunstverein Hamburg. As a collaborative project between Kunstverein Hamburg, Hordaland Art Center, Bergen, SMART Project Space, Amsterdam and SWG3, Glasgow, according to the curators 'Zwischenraum: Space Between' places 'production and process in the foreground', as opposed to 'traditional exhibitions, and their mediation'.
Karen Skog
15 Oct 2010 – 21 Oct 2010Support provided for the participation of the Karen Skog Orkester in the exhibition 'The Sympathizer!' at Capricious Space in Brooklyn, New York, NY, USA. The Karen Skog Orkester consists of four instruments and three musicians, Erik Andreas Røkland (b.1983 in Bergen) who plays the organ, Sivert Nikolai Nesbø (b.1982 in Oslo, Norway) who plays the cello and Karen Skog who plays the violin and theremin. The orchestra will perform within an installation of photographs and sculptural works produced by the artist Santiago Mostyn during a spring 2010 residency at Flaggfabrikken in Bergen. Curator: Sophie Mörner, founder, Capricious Space and Magazine
Hanne Mugaas
20 Oct 2010 – 23 Jan 2011Support provided for the participation of Hanne Mugaas in the exhibition 'Free' at the New Museum, New York, NY, USA. The exhibition includes work by twenty-three artists working across different mediums, such as video, installation, sculpture, photography, the Internet, and sound, 'reflecting artistic strategies that have emerged in a radically democratized landscape redefined by the impact of the web'. Mugaas will present her ongoing project Secondary Market, an assemblage of items she has sourced from the online auction site eBay, which, as she states, 'intentionally or unintentionally contain references to art history'. Curator: Lauren Cornell, executive director of Rhizome and adjunct curator at the New Museum
Anne Hilde Neset
21 Oct 2010 – 24 Oct 2010Support provided for Anne Hilde Neset to moderate a roundtable panel discussion devoted to the work of the pioneering sound artist Maryanne Amacher as a tribute to Amacher's influence on contemporary musicians and composers, to be held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Program in Art, Culture and Technology. Other participants in the panel discussion include composers and artists Florian Hecker, Kevin Drumm and Jessica Rylan Piper.Organiser: Ute Meta Bauer, director, Program in Art, Culture and Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Inger Lise Hansen
1 Nov 2010 – 1 Nov 2010Support provided for the publication of a book and DVD set produced through Lux, London, UK, in connection with Inger Lise Hansen's trilogy of films titled Proximity (2006), Parallax (2009) and Travelling Fields (2009). The book will include essays and contributions by film critics and academics such as Trude Schjelderup Iversen (b.1974 in Oslo, lives and works between Oslo and New York, NY, USA), curator, editor and art critic; Stefan Grissemann, film critic and journalist based in Vienna, Austria; and Nicole Hewitt, film artist and lecturer at the Academy of Visual Arts in Zagreb, Croatia. Organiser: Benjamin Cook, director, Lux
Kjetil Skøien
3 Nov 2010 – 7 Nov 2010Support provided for the presentation of Kjetil Skøien's performance Still Life (2009) to be presented in the Scandinavian - North American Performance Art Festival, Live Action in New York, NY, USA. The festival presents a variety of performance artists including Rita Marhaug, Marilyn Arsem, Mari Novotny-Jones and Tony Schwensen. In regards to his work, Skøien states that the use of 'the body, the timing, slow motion and quick changes in rhythm make the performance close to a composition of music'. Curator: Jonas Stampe, curator and founder of Live Action
Rita Marhaug
3 Nov 2010 – 7 Nov 2010PS: Support provided for the participation of Rita Marhaug in the Scandinavian - North American Performance Art Festival, Live Action in New York, NY, USA. The festival presents a variety of performance artists including Marilyn Arsem, Mari Novotny-Jones and Tony Schwensen. According to the curator, the invited artists 'are completely working with their intuition in the process of live creation, they don't use choreography, but exist in their own action'.Curator: Jonas Stampe, curator and founder of Live Action
Piksel Produksjoner
3 Nov 2010 – 3 Nov 2010Support provided for the participation of the artists Alejandra Perez, Jorge Crowe, Christiano Rosa in the Piksel10 festival, organised by Piksel Produksjoner in Bergen, Norway. Perez will present her work Cartografia Sonora Antarctica, which uses sound recordings and footage from an expedition to Antarctica in December 2009. Crow will present the piece A/V(2010), an audiovisual performance with found, hacked and handmade hardware. Rosa will present Faça-Você-Mesmo + Hágalo Usted Mismo + DIY (2010), an audiovisual performance that uses unique electronic instruments built by a combination of assorted materials found in electronic debris. Gisle Frøysland, festival director, Piksel Produksjoner
4 Nov 2010 – 11 Nov 2010Alejandra Salinas and Aeron Bergman
4 Nov 2010 – 4 Dec 2010SMART Project Space
6 Nov 2010 – 19 Dec 2010Support provided for the participation of Toril Johannessen (b.1978, Harstad, Norway, lives and works in Bergen, Norway) in the group exhibition 'Smooth Structures' at the SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Within the exhibition, Johannessen presents Expansion in Finance and Physics (2009), a work 'addressing the subject of scientific modeling and how scientific theories are visualized and interpreted by way of analogies'. 'Smooth Structures' is developed in collaboration with Enough Room for Space (ERforS), an artist-run organization based in Rotterdam. The organisers write that the 'starting point for 'Smooth Structures' is a new theory on dark matter and dark energy by NASA scientist Martin Lo', who is personally involved in the project and also gave a public lecture and a workshop to the participating artists. Organiser: Enough Room for Space, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Brussels, Belgium
Kaja Leijon
9 Nov 2010 – 14 Nov 2010Marius Watz
15 Nov 2010 – 20 Nov 2010Support provided for the curator Marius Watz to attend the opening programme for the exhibition 'abstrakt Abstrakt: The Systemized World' at NODE10 Forum for Digital Arts in association with the Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Marius Watz and Eno Henze are co-curators of the exhibition. The week-long event has three major components, an exhibition and a conference that explore theoretical issues related to code-based art, together with a series of practical workshops and live audiovisual performances. Other participating artists include Ralf Baecker, Ben Fry, Leander Herzog, Robert Hodgin, Thilo Kraft, Brandon Morse, Louise Naunton Morgan and John Powers, among others Eno Henze and Marius Watz, curators, NODE10 Forum for Digital Arts
Association roARaTorio
25 Nov 2010 – 4 Dec 2010Support provided for Knut Åsdam (b.1968 in Trondheim, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) to participate in a programme of screenings in association with the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid festival at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, France. In addition, a number of arts professionals, including Gavin Jantjes (b.1948 in Cape Town, South Africa, lives and works in Oslo), Helga-Marie Nordby (b.1977 in Fredikstad, Norway, lives and works in Tromsø, Norway) and Per Platou (b.1964 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo) were invited to lecture and participate in the discussions taking place during the festival. Organisers: Nathalie Hénon and Jena-François Rettig, directors, Rencontre Internationales
Serina Erfjord
27 Nov 2010 – 30 Jan 2011Support provided for the participation of Serina Erfjord at 'Electrohype 2010', Ystad Art Museum, Ystad, Sweden. Within the exhibition, Erfjord will present Normal. Blue (2010). As stated by the curators of 'Electrohype 2010', Erfjord's works are 'unique in the way she implements them into the existing building structure and at the same time draws the viewer's attention in an almost magnetic way'. Other participating artists include Vicky Isley and Paul Smith, Sion Jeong, Nikki Koole and Diane Landry. Curators: Anna Kindvall and Lars Gustav Midbøe, co-directors, Electrohype 2010
Unni Gjertsen
4 Dec 2010 – 10 Dec 2010Support provided for Unni Gjertsen to participate in 'The Eternal Tour 2010', a festival that reflects, according to the organiser, 'on the question of cosmopolitanism in the context of the 21st century by experimenting with tourism in order to learn and re-evaluate current interpretations and conceptions of the world'. In 2010, the festival takes place in Jerusalem and Ramallah. Gjertsen will present 'The Armenia Project', a collaborative research project born out of a journey to Armenia in 2009 and consisting of video installations and text. Organiser: Donatella Bernardi, founder, The Eternal Tour Association
SKMU Sørlandets Kunstmuseum
15 Jan 2011 – 12 Mar 2011Support provided for Joselina Cruz's video and film screening programme at SKMU Sørlandets Kunstmuseu in Kristiansand, Norway. Cruz, a Manila-based curator, will present 'Roving Eye: A Survey of South East Asian Film and Video Art' programme, and a public lecture in relation to the projects included in the exhibition programme. The exhibition, according to Cruz, 'assumes the position of the 'roving eye' as it scours the landscape of concerns that currently occupy artists from the region'. Organiser: Pontus Kyander, director, SKMU Sørlandets Kunstmuseum
Bonniers Konsthall
16 Feb 2011 – 12 Jun 2011Support provided for Gardar Eide Einarsson's
(b.1976 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo and New York, NY,
USA) solo exhibition titled 'Power Has a Fragrance' at
Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden. The
exhibition is a collaborative project by the Reykjavik Art Museum,
Reykjavik, the Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst in Oslo and
the Bonniers Konsthall in Stockholm and will be presented at each
institution throughout 2010-2011 with newly commissioned work by
the artist for the Stockholm venue. The exhibition will be
accompanied by an illustrated catalogue with essays by the
exhibition curator and contributions by Nicolas Bourriaud, Ina Blom
and John Kelsey, as well as by the Icelandic surrealist poet Sjón.
Curator: Sara Arrhenius, director, Bonniers Konsthall
Fredrik Raddum
26 Mar 2011 – 13 Jun 2011Jørund Aase Falkenberg, Maja Nilsen, Tommy Johansson, Randi Nygård
4 Jun 2011 – 26 Jun 2011Support provided for the participation of Jørund Aase Falkenberg, Maja Nilsen, Tommy Johansson and Randi Nygård within the group exhibition 'Project 0' at Norræna Husid, Reykjavik, Iceland. In 'Project 0', works in a variety of media explore themes such as 'degradation and development, tradition and change, and the possibility for alternative structuring of society and new perspectives inside the mental and material framework that defines a culture'. Curator: Þuríður Helga Kristjánsdóttir, project manager, Norræna Husid
Västerås Konstmuseum
27 Nov 2011 – 30 Jan 2011Support provided for the artist Olav Christopher Jenssen's (b.1954 in Sortland, Norway, lives and works in Berlin, Germany and Lya, Sweden) solo exhibition, titled 'Olav Christopher Jenssen - Paintings and Sculptures', at the Västerås Konstmuseum, Västerås, Sweden. The museum reopened in a former industrial building in the city centre of Västerås on 5 September 2010. As the first artist invited to present a solo exhibition at the institution, Jenssen will present new paintings and sculptures produced within the last two years. Curator: Eva Borgegård, exhibition curator, Västerås Konstmuseum, Västerås, Sweden
Arild Tveito
22 Apr 2010 – 25 Apr 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation of the artist to participate in the exhibition 'Turbo Props' at the Institute of Social Hypocrisy, Paris, France. Arild Tveito is invited to show the sculptural work Trophy (From the Burghers of Calais by Auguste Rodin). The Institute of Social Hypocrisy is an artificial organization that fronts an artist-led project, run by the artist Victor Boullet in the centre of Paris. Curator: Frances Horn, curator, MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Gent, Belgium
K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany
20 May 2010 – 1 Sept 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation of Jan Christensen (b. 1977 in Copenhagen, Denmark, lives and works in Berlin, Germany) in relation to his participation within 'Intensif-Station' at Künstlerräume im K21, Düsseldorf, Germany. The exhibition introduces a new display concept, were each room will be dedicated to one artist. All 26 rooms of the Museum will be realized in close collaboration with the artists, either showing an installation or a series of works. Jan Christensen's recent work combines the sketchiness of notebook scribbles with the decorative monumentality of mural painting. Curator: Dr. Susanne Meyer-Büser, Curator, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany
Beijing Today Art Museum, Beijing, People's Republic of China
1 Jun 2010 – 1 Jun 2010Grant towards the participation of the artist Matias Faldbakken (b. 1973 in Hobro, Denmark, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) within 'The Second Today's Documents' at Beijing Today Art Museum, Beijing, People's Republic of China. The exhibition presents works by approximately sixty Chinese and international artists based on the notion of 'negotiations'. Within 'The Second Today's Documents', Faldbakken will present the installation work Tarp Piece. Curators: Zhao Yonggang, director, 1918 Art Space, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Rachel Dagnall
7 Jun 2010 – 5 Sept 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Rachell Dagnall within 'Rude Britannia: British Comic Art' at the Tate Britain, London, UK. The artist exhibits a series of photographs, entitled Iconic Moments of The Twentieth Century. 'Rude Britannia' aims to offer an overview of the role of humour in British culture over the centuries. Other exhibiting artists are Donald McGill, Aubrey Beardsley and Sarah Lucas. Curators: Dr Martin Myrone, Curator, Tate Britain, London, UK
Anna Ceeh
10 Jun 2010 – 10 Jun 2010Grant provided for curators Anna Ceeh and Franz Pomassl at the Secession, Vienna, Austria to support the travel of Karolin Tampere (b. 1978 in Estonia, lives and works in Bergen, Norway and Berlin, Germany) and Sex Tags (Peter Anatol Mitterer, b. 1983 in Zell am See, Austria and Stefan Mitterer b. 1983 in Zell am Zee, Austria, both live and work in Bergen, Norway and Berlin, Germany) to participate in the 'Sonic Zones'. 'Sonic Zones' presents monthly audio-visual events focusing on developments and trends in advanced electronic and experimental music in the Baltic and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries. Karolin Tampere and Sex Tags' presentation is titled 'Norwegian Special - Lytte og'. Other participating artists are ADD, Artificial Intelligence and izc. Curators: Artist Anna Ceeh and Franz Pomassl
Audhild Dahlstrøm
15 Jun 2010 – 15 Sept 2010Grant towards travel of Audhild Dahlstrøm to participate with the work The Bear-Hunter, (A Melodramatic Embroidery),at the II Baltic Biennale of Contemporary Art at the Derzhavin Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. The artist will exhibit within the section titled 'Visual Poetry', a project which focuses on poetic video art. The Bear-Hunter, (A Melodramatic Embroidery) is a video-installation exploring the truths and secrets on a small island. Curator: Tamara Mishina-Bukovskaya
Lene Berg
16 Jun 2010 – 19 Jun 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation relating to Lene Berg's participation in 'Waiting for the Political Moment' at Wolfart Project Spaces in Rotterdam and BAK in Utrecht - both in the Netherlands. 'Waiting for the Political Moment' is a conference and artistic programme that examines the cultural state of politics today. Lene Berg will exhibit Stalin by Picasso or Portrait of Woman with Moustache, a work dealing with the so-called 'Portrait Scandal' that was later named as the first consequence of Joseph Stalin's death in 1953. Other artists participating in 'Waiting for the Political Moment' are Petra Bauer & Dan Kidner and Ine Lamers. Curator Artist Programme: Artist Katarina Zdjelar
Electra, London, UK
17 Jun 2010 – 26 Aug 2010Grant towards the participation of Eline McGeorge (b. 1970 in Norway, lives and works in London, Berlin, Germany and Oslo, Norway) in the exhibition '27 Senses' at Chisenhale Gallery, London, UK. '27 Senses' investigates how certain ideas central to Kurt Schwitters' work are manifesting themselves today across the visual arts, performance and sound based practices. Within '27 Senses', Eline McGeorge presents Travelling Double Interventions II, a commissioned installation-work. Other exhibiting artists are Kenneth Goldsmith/UbuWeb, Carl Michael von Hausswolff/Selmer Nilsen, Karl Homqvist and Jutta Koether. Curator: Lina Dzuverovic, co-founder and Director, Electra, London, UK
The Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
18 Jun 2010 – 15 Aug 2010Grant towards travel, accommodation and transport in relation to the participation of Kim Hiorthøy (b. 1973 in Trondheim, lives and works in Oslo, Norway and Berlin, Germany) and Tor-Magnus Lundeby (b. 1966 in Fredrikstad, Norway, lives and works in Oslo) within the exhibition 'False Recognition', as part of the 14th Vilnius Painting Triennial at the Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania. This year's triennial exhibits work by artists who exemplify the tension between tradition and newness and whose work embodies different attitudes towards the image, the gesture, time and subjectivity. Other exhibiting artists are John Baldessari, Koen van der Broe and Inga Meldere. Curators: Evaldas Stankevicius, Curator and Deputy Director, The Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania and Anders Kreuger, Director, Malmö Art Academy and Exhibitions Curator, Lunds konsthall, Lunds, Sweden
Shamim M. Momin
1 Jul 2010 – 1 Jul 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation of Matias Faldbakken (b. 1973 in Hobro, Denmark, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) and Gardar Eide Einarsson (b. 1976 in, Oslo, lives and works in New York, NY, USA) to participate in the exhibition 'The Secret Knows' at the Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND), Los Angeles, CA, USA. Featuring over fifty artists, the project asks each participant to use Robert Frost's poem 'The Secret Sits' as the inspiration for their work. 'The Secret Knows' was previously exhibited in a different form at LAND in Austin, TX, USA. Other exhibiting artists are Pierre Bismuth,Terence Koh and Melanie Schiff. Curator: Shamim M. Momin, Curator and Director, LAND, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Marius Engh
3 Jul 2010 – 31 Jul 2010Grant towards the participation of Marius Engh within 'Urban Narration', the second exhibition of the Project 'Urban Installation - Urban Narration - Urban Orientation' at Weltecho / Oscar e.V., Chemnitz, Germany. The aim of the project is to temporarily regain the space of the city as a stage, as a space for experiments and as a reflection of an analysis that is contextual and relevant to society. Marius Engh will produce a new site-specific work dealing with the theme of the exhibition. Among other exhibiting artists are Janet Cardiff, Bruno Nagel and Hanns-Jochen Weyland. Curators: Simone Zaugg and Pfelder
Morten Norbye Halvorsen
7 Jul 2010 – 14 Jul 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation in relation to the participation of Morten Norbye Halvorsen within 'Repetition Island', a public programme at the Centre Pompidou, Paris, France. The project consists of a seven-day happening in which one day 'repeats itself' over and over again. An orchestrated, fixed sequence of creative activities (talks, screenings, performances, support group sessions, etc) unfolds repeatedly for seven days during the working hours of the foundation, but each day a new variant is introduced. Within 'Repetition Island', Morten Norbye Halvorsen presents Re and Un, a video-work that layers recordings of each day. Other participating artists include Manon de Boer, Pierre Bismuth and Audrey Cottin. Curator: Raimundas Malasauskas, independent curator
Leif Magne Tangen
8 Jul 2010 – 10 Jul 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation of curator Leif Magne Tangen in relation to his participation in FIDMarseille, documentary film festival in Marseille, France. Leif Magne Tangen will present the film A Spell to Ward off the Darkness, a project by Ben Rivers and Ben Russell, produced and curated by Tangen. The film, shot in Super-16mm, presents possibilities of existence in an increasingly secular Western culture. Curator: Jean-Pierre Rehm, Director, International Documentary Festival of Marseille, France
Heidi Nikolaisen
8 Jul 2010 – 28 Nov 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation in relation to Heidi Nikolaisen's participation in 'Marrakech a Palermo - A proposal for articulating works and places (part2)' at the Riso Museum of Contemporary Art, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy. The exhibition is part of the project 'OTHERS - Le Biennali d'arte di Marrakech, Istanbul, Atene a Palermo e Catania', which presents a selection of works from recent biennials in Istanbul, Athens, and Marrakech. Nikolaisen will exhibit We Belong to the Same Tree, an art work incorporating elements from letters, passports and photographs to depict the meaning of a single person's value in history. Curator: Sergio Allessandro and Abdellah Karroum, Curator, 3rd AiM International, Marrakech, Morroco
Øystein Aasan
23 Jul 2010 – 12 Sept 2010Grant for travel, transport and insurance for Øystein Aasan's solo exhibition at the Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg, Germany. Titled 'Honky Tonk', the exhibition will consist of a single sculpture titled Double Trouble (Creep) which acts as a barrier between the viewer, the physical properties of the work itself and that of the architecture. It will occupy various spaces and two doorways of the Kunstverein. 'Honky Tonk' is the artist's first institutional solo exhibition internationally. Curator: Vlado Velko, Artistic Director, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg, Germany
Hans Christian Gilje
30 Jul 2010 – 5 Sept 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Hans Christian Gilje at ISEA2010 Ruhr, 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art in Ruhr, Germany. Within the festival, the artist will present Blink an installation exploring the qualities of empty space by the use of light, sound, mirroring and reflection. Other participating artists are Seiko Mikami, Carsten Nicolai and Ariel Guzik. Organizer: Hartware MedienKunstVerein (Andreas Broeckmann and Stefan Riekeles
New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY, USA
1 Aug 2010 – 1 Feb 2011Travel grant towards participation of Lars Laumann (b. 1975 in Brønnøysund, Norway, lives and works in Berlin, Germany and Oslo, Norway) to take part in the exhibition 'Free' at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY, USA. 'Free' will feature works by fifteen international artists that illustrate the increasingly connected and participatory society and advocate for a future culture that is both open and participatory. Within 'Free', Laumann will present The Evil Apartment, a new video-work co-commissioned by the Liverpool Biennial and the New Museum. Curator: Lauren Cornell, Executive Director of Rhizome and Adjunct Curator at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY, USA
documenta und Museum Fridericianum Veranstaltungs, Kassel, Germany
24 Aug 2010 – 14 Nov 2010Grant towards the travel, accommodation and shipping relating to Matias Faldbakken's (b. 1973 in Hobro, Denmark, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) solo exhibition 'That Death of Which One Does Not Die' at the Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany. The exhibition will present more than thirty new works of the Garbage Bag Paintings, occupying the whole exhibition space. These works, which can be understood as a development of the well-known Tape-Series, will show abstract abbreviations and acronyms, sketchily drawn with a black marker on large garbage bags. Curator: Rein Wolfs, Artistic Director, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany
Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
26 Aug 2010 – 24 Oct 2010Grant towards a solo exhibition by Ida Ekblad (b. 1980 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo) at the Bonnier Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden. The exhibition will be the first solo presentation of the Norwegian artist in Sweden. Ekblad will develop her artistic method working on site collecting material for new artworks in Stockholm. The exhibition will include an opening night performance by the Norwegian artist Nils Bech and Bonniers Konsthall will also collaborate with the Royal Art Academy, Professor Olav Westphalen, on a seminar identifying new tendencies in painting where Ida Eklad's artistic practise will be contextualised. Curator: Sara Arrhenius, Director, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
D'vis, Antwerp, Belgium
1 Sept 2010 – 1 Nov 2010Grant towards the participation of Marte Johnslien (b. 1977 in Lillehammer, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) in 'Modern Dialectic' at Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen (MuHKA) and other sites throughout Antwerp, Belgium. 'Modern Dialectic' examines the work of architect Renaat Braem. Johnslien will exhibit Monument to the Right Angle, new series of small-scale sculptures produced from certain parameters deriving from Braem's work. Other exhibiting artists are Corey McCorkle, Tim Etchells and Suzanne Krieman. Curator: Win Van den Abbeele, board member and Co-founded objectif_exhibitions, Antwerp, Belgium
Sara Eliassen
1 Sept 2010 – 1 Jun 2011John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, UK
7 Sept 2010 – 23 Oct 2010Grant towards the catalogue of the solo exhibition 'Can't Get You Out of My' (working title) by Caroline Bergvall (b. in 1962 in Hamburg, Germany, lives and works in London, UK). The exhibition will present a mixed media installation comprised of an audiophonic piece and visual writings. 'Can't Get You Out of My' will be accompanied by a publication that will include a CD of mixed sound-text materials from the show by a commissioned DJ. Curator: Stephen Foster, Director, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, UK
Leander Djønne
8 Sept 2010 – 24 Oct 2010Travel grant towards Leander Djønne's participation in the exhibition 'Nordic Delight' at the L'institut Suedois á Paris, France. Within 'Nordic Delight', which plays with the image of the north, both past and present, Leander Djønne will exhibit Live and Let Die; Colonial Sovereignties and the Death Worlds of Necrocapitalism, an installation based on the slave ship Fredensborg and constructed with wood collected from different areas in Paris. Curator: Sinziana Ravini, independent curator
NAK. Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen, Germany
26 Sept 2010 – 14 Nov 2010Grant towards travel, accommodation and shipping in relation to Matias Faldbakken's (b. 1973 in Hobro, Denmark, lives and works in Oslo) solo exhibition 'WAR AFTER PEACE (AFTER WAR)' at the NAK. Neuer Aachener Kunstverein in Aachen, Germany. The exhibition will present four works: See You On The Front Page ... #4, COLORED Tiles, VIDEO: Movie upon Movie and Screw Piece(s). Curator: Dorothea Jendricke, Director NAK. Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen, Germany
Friends of the Bass Museum, Inc.
1 Oct 2010 – 1 Oct 2010Grant towards the participation of Gardar Eide Einarsson (b. 1976 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in New York, NY, USA) within a residency and artist project at the Bass Museum, Inc., Miami, FL, USA. The title of the project, 'Raid the IceBox: Gardar Eide Einarsson' is borrowed from Andy Warhol's 1969 exhibition 'Raid the Icebox I', which featured works from the Museum of Art at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, USA. Gardar Eide Einarsson's project will focus on his interpretation of works from the Bass Museum of Art's collection, creating a cultural investigation of how art from the past influences art from the present. Curator: Silvia Karman Cubina, Executive Director and Chief Curator, Bass Museum of Art, Miami, FL, USA
Ingrid Book and Carina Hedéen
2 Oct 2010 – 9 Jan 2011Grant towards the participation of Book & Hedén with the work Bexell's Stones, a Monument out of Sight in the exhibition 'The Moderna Exhibition 2010' at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden. The work depicts the story of Alfred Bexell, who ordered hundreds of proverbs and names to be chiseled into rocks and boulders in the forests within his property in Sweden. 'The Moderna Exhibition 2010' aims to make new contributions to the debate around Contemporary Swedish Art, acting as a platform for a generous and open-ended discussion on what it is to be a Swedish artist. Curator: Fredrik Liew, Curator, Swedish & Nordic Art, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
9 Oct 2010 – 21 Nov 2010Travel grant towards Lars Laumann's (b. 1975 in Brønnøysund, Norway, lives and works in Berlin, Germany and Oslo, Norway) solo exhibition at the Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland. The exhibition will present Laumann's last four video-works: Swedish Book Store, Berlinmuren, Shut up Child, This Ain't Bingo and Kari & Knut. Curator: Oliver Kielmayer, Curator, Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
Lene Berg
12 Oct 2010 – 9 Jan 2011Grant towards the participation of Lene Berg within Manifesta 8, Murcia, Spain with the production of a new installation titled A Small Museum of Exceptions (working title). The work will resemble a small museum, displaying 'museums objects' such as articles, documents, notes, sketches, and a film. It will deal with the ideas of exceptions/rules through the personal histories of the Baroness Elsa von Freytag and Nikola Tesla. Three curatorial teams realize Manifesta 8, each as an autonomous curatorial unit. Berg will exhibit within the section curated by the collective Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF), a project that explores many problems related to what is referred to as 'the art system' and the tangled relational bonds between art and society titled 'Backbench'. Curator: Curatorial Collective Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF) (Bassam el Baroni and Jeremy Beaudry)
Anders Eiebakke
12 Oct 2010 – 9 Jan 2011Grant towards travel and accommodation of Anders Eiebakke in relation to his participation within Manifesta 8, Murcia, Spain. For the biennial, the artist proposes a new radio-based work titled The Re-emergence of Intellectual Racism in Europe, which will thematically connect two radio stations, one - an integrated element to the biennial - in Spain and other in Morocco, through readings of monologues written at the two locations. The artist will collaborate with musician Grim Svingen and will also present video footage from the border between Morocco and Spain. Three curatorial teams realize Manifesta 8, each as an autonomous curatorial unit. Eiebakke will exhibit within the section curated by the Chamber of Public Secrets, a project that aims to challenge artists and contributors to explore new terrains beyond their usual practice and to question what is the media's relationship to the construction of a local reality. Curator: Curators collective Chamber of Public Secrets, (Khaled Ramadan and Alfredo Cramerotti)
Anders Restad
12 Oct 2010 – 9 Jan 2011Grant towards the participation of Anders Restad within Manifesta 8, Murcia, Spain within the section curated by the collective Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF). The artist will present an article and a performance at the Espacio AV, Murcia as part of a series of short-term projects that proposes the reinterpretation of MoCHA's (Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art) archive at Espacio AV. Three curatorial teams realize Manifesta 8, each as an autonomous curatorial unit. For their exhibition, the collective Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF) proposes a project titled 'Backbench', which explores many problems related to what is referred to as 'the art system' and the tangled relational bonds between art and society. Curator: Curators collective Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum (ACAF) (Bassam el Baroni and Jeremy Beaudry)
Ståle Stenslie
19 Oct 2010 – 19 Nov 2010Grant towards an exhibition by Ståle Stenslie at the Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Titled 'The Blind Theatre - Psychoplastic Sculptures', the exhibition presents the installation The Blind Theatre, an interactive and sensorial, computer based work that, using a body suit, completely immerses the viewer in a story told through touch and binaural, three-dimensional sound. Curator: Jurij Krpan, Director Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Verdensteatret, artist group, Oslo, Norway
23 Oct 2010 – 1 Jan 2011Grant towards travel for the collective Verdensteateret to participate within the 8th Shanghai Biennale 2010, Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China. The biennial presents the concept of 'rehearsal', or the discussions around the art exhibition as a phenomenon, concerning how artists connect to the international art world today, how the art world function as its own theatre. Within the biennial, Verdensteatret exhibits And All the Questionmarks Started to Sing, an installation consisting of a multitude of kinetic sculptures/machines and sound featuring a landscape of highly original sculptures, pre-cinematic animation, puppetry, music, lights and shadowplay. Executive Curator: Gao Shiming. Curatorial team: FAN Di'An, LI Lei, GAO Shiming
Unni Gjertsen
29 Oct 2010 – 26 Nov 2010Grant towards the travel of Unni Gjertsen to participate with the work Looking/Walking Back/Forward (working title) at the Armenian Centre for Contemporary Experimental Art, Yerevan, Armenia. Looking/Walking Back/Forward is a video-installation made of a three-channel video projection and text stickers. The work is based on a research trip to Armenia in June 2009. Gjertsen and Swedish artists Strand will collaborate on a publication that includes discussions around formative texts and contributions by Armenian writers. Curator: Edward Balassaninan, Director, Armenian Centre for Contemporary Experimental Art, Yerevan, Armenia
Geir Haraldseth
29 Oct 2010 – 26 Nov 2010Grant towards travel of Geir Haraldseth to present a lecture for the São Paulo Biennial 2010 at the Teatro Arena in São Paulo, Brazil. Capacete is responsible for a series of lectures in conjunction with the Biennial, functioning as a discursive platform. For the lecture, curator Geir Haraldseth will focus on formal and informal settings for distributing and reproducing information and the mechanisms of power involved in such operations, especially within the field of art. Capacete Entretenimentos and Fundação Bienal de São Paulo combine to develop a project associated with the 29th edition of the Biennial, whose title is the verse 'There is always a glass of sea for a man to sail' written by the poet Jorge de Lima, and is scheduled to occur, as an exhibition, between 21 September and 12 December 2010; curated by Moacir dos Anjos and Agnaldo Farias. Curator:Helmut Batista, Director, Capacete Entreterimentos, Brazil
ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
7 Nov 2010 – 27 Mar 2011Grant towards production of a catalogue for Elmgreen & Dragset's (Michael Elmgreen b. 1961 in Copenhagen, Denmark and Ingar Dragset b. 1969 in Trondheim, Norway, both live and work in Berlin, Germany) solo exhibition 'Celebrity - The One and the Many' at the ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe - Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, Germany. The exhibition will be comprised of two large installations: an open, labyrinthian structure and a block-style, four-story apartment building in which various scenes and dramas will take place. 'Celebrity - The One and the Many' will be the duo's largest solo museum exhibition in Germany to date. Curator: Andreas F. Beitin, Director of ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, Germany
Fundação de Serralves, Porto, Portugal
16 Nov 2010 – 6 Mar 2011Grant towards travel, accommodation and shipping in relation to the participation of Matias Faldbakken (b. 1973 in Hobro, Denmark, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) and Gardar Eide Einarsson (b. 1976 in Oslo, lives and works in New York, NY, USA) in the exhibition 'To the Arts, Citizens!' at Fundação de Serralves - Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Porto, Portugal. The exhibition will focus on issues pertaining to manifestations of the political in the domain of the arts, as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Portuguese Republic. Themes and concepts such as archive, community, ideology, monument, activism, frontier and manifesto constitute the working guidelines along which the exhibition will unfold. Other exhibiting artists are Carlos Motta, Claire Fontaine, Sam Durant and Hito Steyerl. Curators: João Fernandes, Museum Director, Fundação de Serralves, Porto, Porugal and Óscar Faria
Kurt Johannessen
27 Nov 2010 – 14 Dec 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation for the participation of the artist within 'Guangzhou Live - International Action Art Festival, Guangzhou, People's Republic of China and the Shenzhen Action, Shenzhen, People's Republic of China. For both festivals, Kurt Johannessen will create new works. Besides presenting works of action art, Guangzhou Live will feature discussions, lectures and workshops at GAFA, the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. More than 35 artists from 24 countries have been invited to participate in Guangzhou Live 010. Curator:Jonas Stampe, artistic director and co-founder of Infr'Action Paris, France
Kjersti G. Andvig
20 Mar 2009 – 1 May 2009Travel grant towards a project development in to Ramallah, Palestine in relation to the projects The Violin Player and Read. The projects are a continuation of the artist's work with objects that produce sounds or 'speak' and have as point of departure the Black Stone - a secret object within the Muslim tradition. The project will be exhibited at The Forgotten Bar Project in February 2010, curated by Marcus Knupp and Gallery MGM, Oslo in June and July 2010, curated by Kristian Skylstad. Invitation by: Nisreen Naffa', Programme Coordinator, A. M. Qattan Foundation, London, UK and Ramallah, Palestine
TOK, St Petersburg, Russia
1 Mar 2010 – 1 May 2010Travel grant towards the participation of curator Kari Brandtzæg (b. 1966 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo) within the project 'Nordic Art Today'. The project, comprising of a curatorial research, public/educational programme, a publication and an exhibition, considers curatorial and artistic reflections on challenging contemporary social issues, such as nationalism, business oriented political agenda, class division, migration, racism and human inequality and social isolation. The exhibition is planned to take place at Loft Project ETAGI in St. Petersburg, Russia in spring 2011. Curator: Anna Bitkina, Programme Manager, CEC ArtsLink, St. Petersburg, Russia
Natalie Hope O'Donnell
26 Mar 2010 – 27 Mar 2010Travel grant towards the participation of curator Natalie Hope O'Donnell within the two-days symposium 'Institution as Medium. Curating as Institutional Critique?' at Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany. Organised by Kunsthalle and the Postgraduate Program in Curating, zhdk Zürich, Switzerland, the symposium exams the possibilities and opportunities as well as the limitations of current critical curating based on the presentation of exemplary projects, curatorial programmes, theoretical analyses and artists talks. O'Donnell will participate on 'Panel 2, Educational Critique: How to Swot Curating' that presents and discuss curatorial study programmes. Symposium Concept: Irene Grillo, Jennifer Johns, Damian Jurt, Andrea Linnenkohl, Siri Peyer, Dorothee Richter and Rein Wolfs
Morten Norbye Halvorsen
8 Apr 2010 – 11 Apr 2010Grant towards the participation of Morten Norbye Halvorsen within the exhibition 'Ballad of the Green Hoop' at South London Gallery, London, UK. 'Ballad of the Green Hoop' exhibits Jessica Warboys' new presentation of her theatrical film work. Using film, painting, sound and props, the exhibition space is transformed in a stage for performance combining various elements from her films. Within the exhibition Morten Norbye Halvorsen presents a musical accompaniment made in collaboration with Warboys. Curators: Anne-Sophie Dinant, Associate Curator, South London Gallery, London, UK
Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany
13 Apr 2010 – 13 Jun 2010Grant towards a solo exhibition of Marte Eknæs (b. 1978 in Elverum, Norway, lives and works in Berlin, Germany) at Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany. The exhibition, titled 'Insert', will display new sculptures and wall works that examine architecture structures from Bonn to derive from the notion of consciousness industry as described by Alexander Kluge and Oscar Negt - or 'the idea that public sphere excludes substantial life-interests while claiming to represent society as a whole'. Curators: Anna Dietz, Curator, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany
Torpedo Press, Oslo, Norway
22 Apr 2010 – 25 Apr 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation in relation to the participation of Torpedo Press within the second edition of 'PAPER/VIEW Art Book Fair' at Wiels Contemporary Arts Centre in Brussels, Belgium. 'PAPER/VIEW' will bring together Europian leading artist book publishers. It will also hold a panel discussion titled 'The Artist Book as Exhibition' with Elaine Sturtevant, Joost Smiers, Seth Siegelaub, Daniel McClean and Luc Derycke. Participating publishers are A Prior, Afterall, Book Works, Mousse Magazine, Onomatopée, Roma Publications, among others. Curator: Frances Horn, curator, MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent, Belgium
Kjell Varvin
30 Apr 2010 – 30 Jun 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation in connection to Varvin's participation within a two-month residency at The Emily Harvey Foundation in Venice, Italy. During his stay, the artist will study geometrical patterns in the mosaic pavements of churches in the Veneto-region with the aim of further developing the use of geometrical patterns within his work. Invitation: Henry Martin, Board of Directors, The Emily Harvey Foundation, Venice, Italy
Haraldur Karlsson
14 May 2010 – 22 May 2010Grant towards transport/shipping in relation to the participation of Haraldur Karlsson within the 2010 edition of RAFLOST festival in Reykjavik, Iceland. Organised by the Iceland Electronic Art Association, the annual festival is dedicated to artists who are using electricity or electronic equipment at any stage in their work process. Within RAFLOST Karlsson will present a lecture and a performance on the concept of 'creating the now, or does it add something?' Other participating artists are Pall Thayer, Rasa Smite and Linda Vebere, RIXC, Linda Hilfling and Martin Howse. Curator: Àki Àsgeirsson, curator RAFLOST, Reykjavik, Iceland
Magnus Bjerk
20 May 2010 – 1 Sept 2010Grant towards the participation of Magnus Bjerk within 'Mediators' at the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland. The exhibition will be presented in specially constructed containers placed in front of the National Museum and, according to its curator, the exhibition is 'a mediation between the real life outside and the 'internal life' of the museum. Within the exhibition, Magnus Bjerk will present The Inside of the Outside of the Inside, a series of photographs portraying trailers, which according to the artist have abandoned their function as mere transport vehicles to act as borders between the inside/outside and the tangible/non-tangible. Curator: Dr Tomasz Wendland, Director Mediations Biennale, Poznan, Poland
The National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
20 May 2010 – 1 Sept 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation costs in relation to the participation of Lars Laumann within 'Mediators' at the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland. The exhibition will be presented in specially constructed containers placed in front of the National Museum and, according to its curator, aims to be a mediation between the real life outside and the 'internal life' of the museum. Within the exhibition, Laumann will present the video-work Morrissey Foretelling the Death of Diana, a video montage that suggests that Morrissey, the former lead singer of The Smiths, somehow anticipated the death of Princess Diana. Curator: Dr Tomasz Wendland, Director Mediations Biennale, Poznan, Poland
Øyvind Renberg and Miho Shimizu
21 May 2010 – 20 Jun 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Øyvind Renberg and Miho Shimizu within the exhibition 'Bodies of Dispersion: Mechanisms of Distention' at Galeria Arsenal in Bialystok, Poland. According to its curator, the exhibition 'examines the relationship between the singular body and its mechanisms of multiplicity in everyday life. Within 'Bodies of Dispersion' Renberg and Shimizu exhibit the projects Art of Cheese and Rio Porcelain. According to the artists, 'Art of Cheese is part of a series of works that investigates the translation of social codes and culture between communities' and Rio Porcelain is an extension of the project that takes shape in a series o porcelain tableware with motives produced as part of Art of Cheese. Other artists exhibiting within 'Bodies of Dispersion: Mechanisms of Distention' are Alex Villar, Spurse, Xurban Collective, Elin Wikström and Artur Zmijewski. Curator: Denise Carvalho, curator
Pernille Leggat Ramfelt
1 Jun 2010 – 1 Jun 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Pernille Leggat Ramfelt within a group exhibition at 1918 Art Space, Shanghai, People's Republic of China. The exhibition, developed in collaboration with Hangzhou International Art Studio, will present new works by thirty artists recently graduated from the Slade School of Fine Art, London. The works will be developed during a short residency in Shanghai. Within the exhibition Ramfelt will present Live Cinema (working title), a new work that expends on ideas of cinematic by looking into Long Jing, Dragon Well - one of China's most renowned tea-farms - and how its own cultural specificities can influence cinema. Curators: Zhao Yonggang, director, 1918 Art Space, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
Bjørn Hegardt
11 Jun 2010 – 4 Jul 2010Grant towards the solo presentation of Bjørn Hegardt/FUKT Magazine at Nomas Foundation in Rome, Italy. The exhibition is a collaboration with Italian artist Marco Rapparelli and will present an installation around FUKT magazine, selected original works from artists featured in the publication, as well as screening of animations. Hegardt will present all the previous issues of FUKT with a focus on the latest one, which will be printed in June 2010. Residency Curator: Cecilia Canziani and Ilaria Gianni, Programme, Nomas Foundation, Rome, Italy
Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
11 Jun 2010 – 13 Jun 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Baktruppen (Øyvind Berg b. in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Lillehammer, Norway; Jørgen Knudsen b. 1961 in Bergen, Norway, lives and works in Bergen; Worm Winther b. 1955 in Bergen, lives and works in Oslo; Ingvild Holm b. 1965 in Levanger, Norway, lives and works in Oslo; Bo Krister Wallström b. 1962 in Stockholm, Sweden, lives and works in Oslo and Berlin, Germany and Per Henrik Svalastog b. 1969 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo) and D.O.R (Sverre Gullesen b. 1980 in Mo i Rana, Norway, lives and works in Oslo; Steinar Haga Kristensen b. 1980 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo and Kristian Ø. Dahl b. 1968 in Asker, Norway, lives and works in Asker) within 'Let Us Compare Mythologies' at Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 'Let Us Compare Mythologies' is a three-day cycle of performances for which artists will develop new productions. The programme is part of 'Morality', the leitmotiv of Witt the Wiit's 2009/2010 programme and questions man's relationship to objects and the meaning and the location of the (art) object. Curator: Renske Janssen, curator, Witte de With, Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas
18 Jun 2010 – 17 Jul 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas within the exhibition 'Always Moving (A Performance Laboratory in Several Parts)' at Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces in Melbourne, Australia. Within the show, the artist duo will present a series of performances, including I am a Communist, 45 Revolutions Per Minute, The Invisible Dog and the Invisible Cat (After Alfred Hitchcock) and I Am Traveling Through Time. I Am Traveling Through Time. Other participating artists are Otherfilm, Rosalind Hall, Scott Foust and Dale Gorfinkel. Curator: Jared Davis, freelance curator
Åsa Sonjasdotter
27 Jun 2010 – 7 Nov 2010Grant towards the participation of Åsa Sonjasdotter within the exhibition 'EATLACMA' at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA, USA. The projects exhibited within 'EATLACMA' considers 'food as a common ground that explores the social role of art and ritual in community and human relationships'. The project consists of artist's gardens planted and harvested on the museum campus, public events and an exhibition. Within 'EATLACMA', Sonjasdotter exhibits Potatofield, a Solution. Inspired by Agnes Denes's Wheatfield, the project presents an average looking potato field developed in collaboration with the farmers' collective The Communities of The Potato Park in Cuzco, Peru. Other participating artists are Lauren Bon, Materials and Applications, Fallen Fruit, and The National Bitter Melon Council. Curator: Fallen Fruit, artist collective, Los Angeles, CA, USA and Michele Urton, Curator, Contemporary Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles
Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
1 Jul 2010 – 1 Sept 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Øyvind Aspen (b. 1983 in Molde, Norway, lives and works in Gjemnes, Norway and Oslo, Norway), Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas (Bergman b. 1971 in Detroit, MI, USA and Salinas b. 1977 in La Rioja, Spain, both live and work in Oslo, Norway), Bull.Miletic (Synne Bull b. 1973 in Oslo and Dragan Miletic b. 1970 in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, both live and work in Oslo), Mai Hofstad Gunnes (b. 1977 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Berlin, Germany), Farhad Kalantary (b. 1962 in Tabriz, Iran, lives and works in Oslo), Eline Mugaas (b. 1969 in Oslo, lives and works in Oslo), Nina Toft (b. 1974 in Asker, Norway, lives and works in Oslo), Jeremy Welsh (b. 1954, Gateshead, UK, lives and works in Bergen, Norway) and Knut Åsdam (b. 1968 in Trondheim, Norway, lives and works in Oslo) within 'Cities Re-imagined' at the Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia. 'Cities Re-imagined' focuses on Norwegian film and video-works related to architecture and urban space. Curator: Sanja Kojic Mladenov, Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Vibeke Slyngstad
9 Jul 2010 – 18 Jul 2010Grant towards the participation of Vibeke Slyngstad within the exhibition 'Murder at the Savoy', organised by Malmö Konsthall and taking place in public spaces throughout Malmö, Sweden. The show brings to perspective Malmö's social and political history and it is based on Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö's crime novel Murder at the Savoy (1970). Slyngstad will exhibit two new large-scale paintings relating to Savoy Hotel and Lindham rifle range - two of the novel's locations. Other exhibiting artists are Matthew Buckingham, Leif Eriksson, Ylva Friberg, Annika von Hauswollf, Saskia Holmqvist, Martin Karlsson, Jakob Kolding, Elisabeth Apelmo/Marit Lindberg, Ann Lislegaard, Elin Lundgren and Gerhard Nordström. Curator: Jacob Fabricius, Director, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden
Sølyst Artist in Residence Center, Jyderup, Denmark
9 Jul 2010 – 18 Jul 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation in relation to the participation of Ida Ekblad (b. 1980 in Oslo, Norway, lives and works in Oslo) and Ann Lislegaard (b. 1962 in Norway, lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark and New York, NY, USA) within 'Pastiche… When a tree falls in the forest'. The exhibition - the 2010 edition of the annual outdoor show at Sølyst Castle in Jyderup, Denmark - presents commissioned site-specific works and explores ideas around perception and pre-conceived modes of experience art. Lislegaard and Ekblad will exhibited outdoor artworks produced during a short residency at Sølyst Castle in April 2010. Other exhibiting artists are A Kassen, Benandsebastian, Ultragrøn, Mads Lynnerup, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Elena Bajo, Olaf Breunning, Ellen Harvey, Franz Höfner, Harry Sachs, Stefan Saffer and Wolfgang Karl May. Curator: Laurie De Chiara, independent curator and Tine Bundgaard Quedenbaum, Director of Sølyst Artist Residence Center, Jyderup, Denmark
Kurt Johannessen
26 Aug 2010 – 31 Aug 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Kurt Johannessen within 2010 edition of the International Festival of Performance Art Navinki - an annual international performance festival in Minsk, Russia. Within the festival, Johannessen will present new performative-work. Among other exhibiting artists are Anna Syczewska, Elisa Andessner and Katnira Bello. Curator: Victor Petrov, Curator, Navinki 2010 Performance Festival, Minsk, Belarus
Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, UK
18 Sept 2010 – 28 Nov 2010Grant towards travel and accommodation in relation to the participation of Lars Laumann (b. 1975 in Brønnøysund, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway and New York, NY, USA) within 'International 10: Touched', as part of the 2010 Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, UK. According to the curator, the 'exhibition presents a series of artworks that affect the viewer through addressing a total context. The artworks are made with sensitivity to the specifics of the place, time and audience of the exhibition, while originating in the artists' preoccupations with the state of the world and with their own personal obsessions.' For the biennial Laumann has been commissioned to produce a new video-work relating to literary censorship and focusing on the short stories of writer JD Salinger. Curator: Lewis Biggs, Director, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, UK
Marita Muukkonen and Power Ekroth
3 Nov 2010 – 3 Nov 2010Travel grant towards the participation of Bjørn-Kowalski Hansen (b. 1979 in Nesttun, Norway, lives and works in Oslo, Norway) within 'Meta-Realities', the first Nordic Pavilion at the Dak'Art Biennial, Dakar, Senegal. According to the curators, the exhibition poses the question: 'can art function as a meta-structure of the realities we live in, and is that the only meta-structure we have despite of geo-cultural differences?' Other artists exhibiting within 'Meta-Realities' are Nathalie Djurberg, Parfyme and Jesper Just. Curators: Marita Muukkonen and Power Ekroth, curators of the Nordic Pavilion, Dak'Art Biennial, Dakar, Senegal. Viye Diba, curator, Dak'Art 2010