Evagoras Vanezis’ practice engages with the production and contextualisation of cross-disciplinary spaces and narratives, working between the fields of curation, art theory, and creative writing. Through the mediums of project, exhibition, and text, his hybrid methodology incorporates events, ecologies, fragments, and footnotes from sources as varied as the history of aesthetics, literature, feminist and queer theory, decoloniality, and personal and collective experiences. Since 2016 he has organized various exhibitions, programs, and publishing projects in collaboration with communities, institutions, and other initiatives. Recent projects include Anachoresis: Upon Inhabiting Distances, the Cyprus Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice Biennale (co-curator, 2021); Formworks, Thkio Ppalies Project Space (curator, 2019 – 2022); and Poetics of Dance Encounters, Dance House Lefkosia (researcher, 2022 – 2023).

Public Talk with Evagoras Vanezis & Marie-Nour Hechaime
As part of our ongoing International Visitor Programme (IVP), we are pleased to host curators Evagoras Vanezis & Marie-Nour Hechaime and invite you to a public talk at OCA on 19. October. During the talk, Vanezis & Hechaime will offer an overview of their recent and upcoming projects that adopt intersectional and horizontal methodologies and a commitment to generosity and care. A recursive concern for both is the exploration of epistemological, ontological and ethical frameworks of research and critical art-making through sensitive and speculative in situ practices.
Hechaime will be presenting her latest exhibition Earthly Praxis (Sursock Museum, Beirut) that critically examines land ownership from a historical, legal, geographical, and queer lens and give an overview of her forthcoming publication Flight of the Locust. Expanding on the performative methodology of his curatorial projects, Vanezis will introduce As Yet Untitled (Apophasis), an ongoing project that links together issues of colonialism and extraction, gender and sexuality, ecology and the environment.
Marie-Nour Hechaime is a curator at the Sursock Museum in Beirut since 2020. She previously worked with several non-profit arts institutions including Mophradat (Brussels), Council (Paris) and La Colonie (Paris), and from 2013 to 2016 at Ashkal Alwan (Beirut). She is interested and invested in projects and productions at the intersection of arts, activism, and societal issues that strive to articulate and exercise points of interrelation between disciplines, as well as alternative modes of generating knowledge and collaboration. In 2017-18, she participated in the Experimental Program in Arts and Politics (SPEAP) founded by Bruno Latour. She has been part of Arts Collaboratory since 2014, a self-organized, horizontal ecosystem of twenty-five socially-engaged arts institutions. The latest exhibition she curated, 'Earthly Praxis', looks at landed property from historical, legal, geological, and societal perspectives.

Marwa Arsanios, Who Is Afraid of Ideology? Part 4, exhibition view, 'Earthly Praxis' at the Sursock Museum, May 2023. Photo by Walid Rashid.