Curatorial Exchange with Zippora Elders
As part of our ongoing International Visitor Programme (IVP), we are pleased to host Chief Curator and Head of Curatorial Department at Gropius Bau (Berlin), Zippora Elders, and invite you to a Public Talk followed by a meet and greet at Bergen Assembly on 23rd August.
Free and open to the public, but space is limited.
Please register via Eventbrite.
Zippora Elders is a curator, writer and art historian. Since 2021 she is the Chief Curator and Head of Curatorial Department of Gropius Bau, Berlin. Previously, she was amongst others, the director of Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, co curator of Sonsbeek20-24 Force Times Distance and curator at Foam museum for photography. She has been working for several museums, art academies and magazines and is a regular advisor, jury member and lecturer for cultural organizations, including as a board member in the field of journalism, crossover, nightlife and contemporary music.