Nordic Pavilion
17 December 2021

Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) is seeking a new director

Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) is a non-profit foundation established by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2001. The main goal is to support artists in Norway, including Sápmi, participation on the international art scene. Through increased collaboration and networking, OCA initiates and facilitates for participation of artists and curators on various platforms around the world. OCA administers international studio programs as well as the funding scheme from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2001, OCA has been responsible for Norway's contribution to the visual arts section at La Biennale di Venezia.

Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) works to increase the collaboration between the Norwegian and international art scene.

OCA’s mandate is to work across the whole of Norway, bringing Norway to the world and the world to Norway. We are seeking a visionary leader inspired by this focus. The new director will have a strong engagement in the role of contemporary art in society and cultural politics. Knowledge and experience from working within the field will be emphasized. The position requires that you have a wide network, regionally, nationally, and internationally from working with contemporary art.

As a leader, you have experience with strategy development, financial management and personnel responsibilities, with documented results from previous jobs. You are interested in the ways digital development impact contemporary art. The new director must also be able to build a strong organization with good and respectful values.

Fluent written and spoken English and Norwegian, or another Scandinavian language, is required.

Questions regarding the position can be directed to Visindi AS by Mona Wille tel. 402 15 10 or Heidi Wiggen on tel. 916 56 103. Chair of the Board Trude Gomnæs Ugelstad tel. 91520472.

Please note that information about applicants for this position may be published even if you have requested not to be identified in accordance with the Public Administration Act § 25 (Freedom of Information Act). If you have requested an exemption from publication, you will be notified if this cannot be granted.

Please submit your application and CV as soon as possible and no later than 13.02.2022 at visindi.no. All inquiries will be treated confidentially, if requested also towards the client in the initial phase.

Header image: The Pavilion of the Nordic Countries at La Biennale di Venezia. Photo © Åke E:son Lindman



Revised guidelines for ISGIES

We are pleased to announce that the guidelines for ISGIES - International Support for Galleries and Independent Exhibition Spaces have been revised and that the scheme will be open for applications for 2025 from December 10.


OCA runs a mailing lists to let interested parties know about our activities, including the artistic programme, grants schemes and international residencies, and publications.