New York

OCA offers a 12-months artist’s residency programme from 1 September until 31 August and a 3-months curator’s residency programme from 1 September until 30 November at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York. Annual application deadline 3 October.

The artist programme includes an individual working studio at the residency premises, living space support, minimum of one oppurtubity to give a public talk in an ISCP 'Artists at Work' programme or other ISCP related event, minimum twelve meetings with guest critics from the New York art community and field trips.

The curator programme includes an individual working studio/office at the residency premises, minimum three meetings with guest critics from the New York art community and field trips.

The artist gets a living grant of NOK 20.000 per month and a travel grant of NOK 25.000. The curator gets a living grant of NOK 20.000 per month and a travel grant of NOK 20.000.

Application process

Applications are only accepted via Read the guidelines thoroughly before filling in the form. For questions, please contact OCA's Grants Administrator
Eirik Zeiner-Henriksen.

Next application deadline: 3 October 2025
