Visitors 2013

International Visitor Programme
1 Nov – 30 Nov 2013

Yuko Hasegawa

Chief Curator

Yuko Hasegawa is the Chief Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo (MOT), Japan. She is also a professor at the Department of Art Science at the Tama Art University in Tokyo. Her recent projects include 'Space for your Future’ (2007) and 'Architectural Environments for Tomorrow’ (2011) at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo. At the 21st-Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan (where she also served as Founding Artistic Director), she curated 'Matthew Barney: Drawing Restraint' (2005). She was also the Artistic Director of the 7th International Istanbul Biennial (2001), co-curator of the 4th Shanghai Biennial (2002), commissioner of Japanese Pavilion of 50th edition of the Venice Biennale (2003), co-curator of the 29th São Paulo Biennial (2010) and artistic advisor for the 12th edition of the Venice Architectural Biennale (2010). She has recently served as curator of the 11th Sharjah Biennial in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (2013).

1 Dec – 20 Dec 2013

Josée Drouin-Brisebois

Senior Curator

Josée Drouin-Brisebois is the Senior Curator of Contemporary Art responsible for the collections of Canadian and international Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Canada, in Ottawa. She organised the Canadian representation at the International Art Exhibition la Biennale di Venezia in 2011 (Steven Shearer's 'Exhume to Consume') and 2013 (Shary Boyle's 'Music for Silence'). She has curated exhibitions by Canadian artists Arnaud Maggs, 'Identification' (2012); Christopher Pratt (2005) and thematic group exhibitions: 'It Is What It Is: Recent Acquisitions of New Canadian Art' (2010–11); 'Nomads' (2009); 'Caught in the Act: The Viewer as Performer' (2008) and 'De-con-structions' (2007). Drouin-Brisebois also co-curated 'Misled by Nature: Contemporary Art and the Baroque' with Catherine Crowston and Jonathan Shaughnessy at the Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (2012); and 'Spectral Landscape (2012) and The Shape of Things' (2012) with David Liss at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto, Canada (MOCCA). Her writing has appeared in the publications Barroco Nova: Neo-Baroque Moves in Contemporary Art (Museum London, Artlab Gallery and McIntosh Gallery, 2012); Dominique Rey: Erlking/Pilgrims (Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 2012); Wanda Koop: On the Edge of Experience (Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2010) and Otherworld Uprising: Shary Boyle (Conundrum Press, 2008).

6 Oct – 31 Oct 2013

Christopher Y. Lew

Assistant Curator

Christopher Y. Lew is Assistant Curator at MoMA PS1. He joined the museum in 2006, and has organised 'New Pictures of Common Objects', 'Chim↑Pom', 'Clifford Owens: Anthology', 'Jack Smith: Normal Love', and 'Nancy Grossman: Heads (with Klaus Biesenbach)' as well as projects by Edgardo Aragón, Rey Akdogan, Ilja Karilampi and Caitlin Keogh. He has also curated exhibitions and programs in New York City at venues including Artists Space and Aljira, and has written broadly. Prior to joining the Museum, he worked as a Managing Editor at ArtAsiaPacific and held positions at the Aperture Foundation and the Asian American Arts Centre.

6 Oct – 31 Oct 2013

Hiromi Kurosawa


Hiromi Kurosawa is the Chief Curator of the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan. She was appointed by the museum in 2003 and she worked with the artists for the inaugural exhibition ‘The Encounters in 21st Century: Polyphony Emerging Resonance’ (2004-05). She has been curating numerous exhibitions in Kanazawa, which include, among others, ‘Olafur Ellisason: Your Chance Encounter’ (2008), ‘Kazuhiko Hachiya: OpenSky’ (2008), ‘Inner Voices’ (2010), ‘Takashi Homma: New Documentary’ (2011) and ‘Do Ho Suh: Perfect Home’ (2012). Most recently she curated ‘Fiona Tan: Ellipsis’ (2013) and ‘Isabel and Alfredo Aquilizan: Project Another Country’ (2013). In 2012, she was co-curator of ‘City Net Asia’ in South Korea. Kurosawa also works for educational programmes with children from elementary and junior high schools for appreciation and formative activities in the museum. As part of the museum's public programme working with community, she joined the project ‘Kanazawa Art Platform’ in 2008.

6 Oct – 31 Oct 2013

Paulina Pobocha

Assistant Curator

Paulina Pobocha is Assistant Curator in the Department of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, NY, USA. During her time at the museum, she has co-organised the exhibitions ‘Gabriel Orozco’ (2009), ‘Abstract Expressionist New York’ (2010), and ‘Claes Oldenburg: The Street and The Store’ (2013). She has also worked extensively with the museumʼs collection, most recently participating in the reinstallation of the collection galleries with works from 1940 to 1980. With Ann Temkin, she is currently co-organising a Robert Gober exhibition, scheduled to open in the fall of 2014. Prior to joining the curatorial staff of MoMA, Pobocha was Joan Tisch fellow at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, where she lectured on a broad range of subjects in contemporary and modern art. In 2011 she was appointed critic at the Yale University School of Art. Pobocha received her BA from Johns Hopkins University in 2000, and her MA in 2003 from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, where she is now completing her doctoral dissertation.

18 Sept – 20 Sept 2013

Fram Kitagawa


Fram Kitagawa is a curator, professor and writer. He is the General Director for Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial, General Director for Setouchi Triennale 2013 and Acting Director, Chichu Art Museum, Naoshima. Kitagawa is a professor at the Joshibi University of Art and Design in Tokyo. Since his graduation from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music he has organised numerous exhibitions and events on grass-roots level, introducing Japan to works of art previously rarely exhibited inside the country. This included, among others, the 'Antonio Gaudí' exhibition that took place in eleven different cities from 1978-1979. Since 1996 he has acted as the general coordinator for the Echigo-Tsumari Art Necklace Project and as general coordinator for the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, for which he received the Minister of General Affairs' Prize in 2000, and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Art Encouragement Prize in 2006. He is also the recipient of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres from France, the Order of Culture from Poland and the Order of Australia: Honorary Member (AM) in the General Division, among other awards. Kitagawa has initiated numerous art projects related to urban, architectural and regional community development.

26 Apr – 2 May 2013

Alex Klein

Artist, Writer and Curator

Alex Klein is an artist, writer and curator working between Los Angeles, CA, USA, and Philadelphia, PA, USA, where she is the Dorothy and Stephen R. Weber (CHE'60) Program Curator at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania, PA. At ICA she co-curated the exhibition 'First Among Equals', and launched the four-part exhibition, publication and programming initiative 'Excursus', with Reference Library, East of Borneo, Ooga Booga and Primary Information. In autumn 2014 she will curate the first major monographic survey of artist Barbara Kasten. Klein is the co-founder of the editorial project and publishing imprint Oslo Editions, which organised and published the lecture series 'CONTRA MUNDUM I-VII' (2010), and is the editor of the critical volume on photography Words Without Pictures (LACMA / Aperture, 2010). Other recent publications include To Be Blunt in How Soon is Now? (Luma Foundation, 2012) and Humanist Correspondence in The Human Snapshot (Sternberg Press, 2013).

23 Apr – 28 Apr 2013

Angie Keefer


Angie Keefer is an artist, writer, editor, amateur engineer and occasional librarian whose speculative non-fiction traces circuitous routes through highly specialised information. Recently she has exhibited or staged her work at Yale Union (YU), Portland, OR, USA; the São Paulo Biennial, São Paulo, Brazil; MoMA, New York, NY, USA and Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark among others. In May 2013 she will exhibit at the Objectif Exhibitions in Antwerp, Belgium. Along with Dexter Sinister, Keefer is the co-founder of The Serving Library, a non-profit artists' organisation dedicated to publishing and archiving in a continuous loop, and the co-editor of The Bulletins, The Serving Library's bi-annual publication.

15 Mar – 18 Mar 2013

Andrea Viliani


Andrea Viliani is the Director of the Fondazione Donna regina per le arti contemporanee/Museo MADRE in Naples, Italy. From 2009 to 2012 he served as the Director of the Fondazione Galleria Civica-Centro di ricerca sulla contemporaneità in Trento, Italy. From 2005 to 2009 he was a curator at the MAMbo-Museo d'Arte Moderna in Bologna and, from 2000 to 2005, the Assistant Curator at Castello di Rivoli-Museo d'Arte Contemporanea in Rivoli-Torino, Italy. In 2010 he was appointed member of the Agent-Core Group of dOCUMENTA (13) and in 2012 he co-curated, with Aman Mojadidi and Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, a part of dOCUMENTA (13) in Kabul and Bamiyan (Afghanistan).

7 Feb – 10 Feb 2013

Ekaterina Degot

Art historian, Writer and Curator

Ekaterina Degot is an art historian, art writer and curator. Shows she has curated or co-curated include, among others: ‘Body Memory: Underwear of the Soviet Era’ (shown in St Petersburg and Moscow, Russia, Helsinki, Finland and Vienna, Austria, 2000–2004); ‘Struggling for the Banner: Soviet Art Between Trotsky and Stalin’ (New Manege, Moscow, 2008); ‘Citizens, Mind Yourselves: Dimitri Prigov’ (Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, 2008). In 2010, she curated the 1st Ural Industrial Biennial in Ekaterinburg, Russia, under the title Shockworkers of the Mobile Image’, together with David Riff and Cosmin Costinas. In 2011, she curated the exhibition and discussion platform ‘Auditorium Moscow’ with David Riff and Joanna Mytkovska, in collaboration with the Warsaw Museum of Contemporary Art, and in 2012, ‘Art After the End of the World’, the discussional platform of the Kiev Biennial of Contemporary Art Arsenale, Ukraine, and ‘Time/Food’ in Stella Art Foundation in Moscow, with Anton Vidokle and Julieta Aranda. In 2013, she will be curating the First Bergen Assembly in Bergen, Norway, together with David Riff. She is currently teaching at the Moscow Alexander Rodchenko Photography and New Media School. Her books include: Terroristic Naturalism (1998), Russian 20th-Century Art (2000) and Moscow Conceptualism (with Vadim Zakharov, 2005). As an art critic she has contributed to Frieze, Artforum and e-flux magazine.

30 Jan – 2 Feb 2013

Juliana Engberg

Curator, Writer, Publisher and Designer

Juliana Engberg is a curator, writer, publisher and designer. She is the Artistic Director of Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, Australia (ACCA) and the 19th Sydney Biennale (2014). She was the curator of the Melbourne Festival Visual Arts Programme from 2000 to 2006, and in 2007 she was the senior curatorial advisor for the Australian presentations at the Venice Biennale. She inaugurated the ACCA PopUP Program in Venice to coincide with the 54th Venice Biennale (2011). She was the Artistic Director of the Melbourne International Biennial 1999, 'Signs of Life', and Senior Curator of the Art & Industry Biennale, Christchurch, New Zealand (2002). Engberg has worked as a Senior Curator at the Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne, the Assistant Director of the Monash University Gallery and Director of the formative contemporary art space, the Ewing and George Paton Galleries, The University of Melbourne. She is an Adjunct Professor in Architecture, Design and Art at RMIT University, Melbourne and a Professorial Fellow in the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at Monash University, Melbourne.