Indigo Sidsel Paaske
  • Publication

Indigo - Sidsel Paaske

  • English / Norwegian
  • 2014
  • Price: € 24.80 + postage
  • In stock
  • 294 Pages
  • Paperback
  • Published by OCA
  • ISBN: 978-82-92495-21-6

OCA commissioned the first English translation of Indigo, a poem written by artist Sidsel Paaske and published for the first time in 1979. Having used at this time the surface of the canvas as a limited space for expression, Paaske aimed to create another space that could generate phases and repetitions. As the artist states in a note to the poem from the same year, 'by the stamping-technique I achieve a repetition of the same element that points towards infinity (like snow-crystals, leaves, ants, reindeer, stars) and by printing in an increasing number from page to page I include the time aspect in a way that a painted picture would not be able to represent’.

Edited by OCA’s Antonio Cataldo, the publication brings together the original manuscript correlated by notes and archival material. The book, part of the ongoing Office for Contemporary Art Norwayʼs Verksted series, is published as an extension of the lecture series ʻFashion: the Fall of an Industryʼ, as held at the Office for Contemporary Art Norway from 17 October to 12 December 2013. Sidsel Paaske was one of several artists subject of the investigation within the lecture series.


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