Actions of Art and Solidarity
  • Exhibition booklet

Actions of Art and Solidarity

  • English
  • 2021
  • Free (excl. postage)
  • In stock
  • 55 Pages
  • 14 x 0.5 x 21 cm
  • Weight: 100g

The exhibition 'Actions of Art and Solidarity' presented 76 works by artists, activists, collectives and thinkers from around the world, including Norway, catalysing cultural, socio-political and environmental solidarity across different geographies and contexts from the 1950s to the present day. Looking back in time and forward into the future, the exhibition displayed artists’ extraordinary ability to narrate and build empathy around fundamental global conflicts and injustices, and provide the radical imaginaries of care and solidarity that can stimulate their resolution. The venue, Kunstnernes Hus (The Artists’ House, Oslo) has a symbolic value, since the institution has played a recurrent part in Norway’s own contribution to artistic solidarities – from presenting Pablo Picasso’s Guernica in 1938 during its international solidarity tour, to organising exhibitions of solidarity with other parts of the world. The exhibition also presented central instances of Norwegian solidarity artistic practices, as well as new works especially commissioned for the exhibition.


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