Hilde Herming
Hilde Herming grew up in Takoradi, Ghana and Norway. She holds film and media degrees from the University of Stirling, Scotland, and the University of Oslo, specialising in film from feminist and postcolonial perspectives. She is the initiator and editor of the ongoing project and book Fast Plass – Norwegian women on plinths (2017). Herming is a founding member of the Films from the South Festival in Oslo, and has extensive experience in communication and project management within key Norwegian art institutions. Herming has served as Arts Manager to the British Council in Norway and curated the «Over the Rainbow» exhibition at Preus Museum, Norway’s National Museum of Photography in the context of Queer Culture Year 2022. In 2023 she was the curator and museum manager at the National Women’s Museum, Norway. Currently, she is a cultural producer and curator, preparing projects for organisations such as Films from the South. Her interests include visual narratives of gender representation, public monuments and collective memory, fashion as a cultural phenomenon and the role of museums, art institutions and film in driving social change.