Stian Ådlandsvik graduated in 2006 and holds a degree from HfBK in Hamburg and the National Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo. Through an interplay of historical fact and artistic expression Stian Ådlandsvik maps up unusual connections in international trade and production systems questioning their organisational form and examining their infliction on society. He processes historical and contemporary events and objects, which he evaluates and re-contextualises in the form of drawings, photographs and sculptures. Recent exhibitions include 'Unfinished Business', Waterside Project Space, London, UK, 'The Barentz Triennale', Oslo/Tromsø, Norway/Rovaniemi, Finland/Helsinki, Finland/Murmansk, Russia/Moscow, Russia, The Drawing Biennale 2010, Moss, Norway, and 'W17', Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo with Lutz-Rainer Müller.
Visitors 2010