Peer-to-Peer Programme

The Peer-to-Peer Programme, a joint initiative connecting artists with art professionals across Europe for professional discussions and network building. The programme acts as a response to the needs declared by artists to dialogue with art professionals across disciplines and regions. These individuals are carefully matched by each organisation, who will offer a shortlist specifically tailored with each artist in mind. The artist will determine the final match-up for each of their meetings.

Participating artists in the Peer-to-Peer Programme are nominated by each organisation and will have a total of two online meetings with two art partners of their choosing. These sessions are intended to support cross-cultural and transdisciplinary relationships, gain professional critical dialogue on your work, foster intellectual and dynamic discussions, and cultivate new meaningful connections for future collaborations. The programme aims to organise the space and time needed for open-ended and mindful peer-to-peer enrichment.

The project aims to foster professional development within the field of contemporary art, ecologically and transculturally. Originating as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, it acknowledges both the need to exchange knowledge and act virtually. The programme hopes to continue using remote communication systems in the future—an endeavour in response to our current conditions and as an enduring platform to address the adverse global impact of air travel.

The programme is co-organised by the: Danish Art Foundation, Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art, Flanders Arts Institute, Frame Contemporary Art Finland, IASPIS – The Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual and Applied Art, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Mondriaan Fund, Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA), and Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.