Anders Sunna
Illegal Spirits of Sápmi (2022)
Mixed media, sound, archive documents
Sámi Elder: Ánde Somby
In collaboration with the Sunna family, Nils-Erik Sunna, Per-Olof Sydfeldt Sunna, Michiel Brouwer.
Sonic dioramas – concept: Anders Sunna, Gaby Hartel; dramaturgy, script and audio direction: Gaby Hartel; sound design and composition: zeitblom; voices: Anders Sunna, Bosse Sunna, Britt-Inger Sunna, Lars-Göran Sunna, Elina Israelsson, Gaby Hartel; sound technicians: Fabian Brokof / Popschutz Studio, Tony Österholm / LjudBang; production: Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) in collaboration with Deutschlandfunk, Germany.

Anders Sunna, Illegal Spirits of Sápmi, 2022. Photo: Michael Miller / OCA © Michael Miller / OCA

Co-curator Beaska Niillas and Anders Sunna in Sunna's studio. Photo: Michael Miller / OCA © Michael Miller / OCA

'The Sámi Pavilion' artist Anders Sunna on his homeland on Swedish part of Sápmi. Photo: Michael Miller / OCA © Michael Miller / OCA
Imagine being able to speak all the world’s languages without saying a sound. To reach people’s hearts first and then their consciousness. The anger you are carrying suddenly finds a way to emerge but in a more creative form, stronger than iron. Art is that.
—Anders Sunna
Sunna comes from a family of forest reindeer herders, in Kieksiäisvaara on the Swedish side of Sápmi, whose ancestral reindeer herding life has been progressively affected by centuries of colonization. In 1971 the Swedish state passed a law that breaches international conventions protecting Indigenous peoples’ rights, and deeply affected herders. The Sunna family’s resistance kicked off in earnest at this time. Over the last 50 years it has grown in determination as the state removed the Sunna reindeer ear marks, inherited across generations, making them into outlaws on their own land.
Illegal Spirits of Sápmi bears witness to this story, each painting addressing consecutive decades. The last, presented as burnt remains after Sunna set fire to it, proposes the sixth decade as an empowered and healed future. The paintings are displayed in free-standing units, hand-built with his brothers, with folders documenting the numerous court cases marking their struggle that can be consulted by the visitors. Six sonic dioramas accessed through QR codes, offer spatial and sensorial depth to the narration through layered excerpts from the family sound archive of courtroom proceedings, field recordings, music environments, dialogues and a performative voice.
The paintings use collage as a structuring device to present the many threads of the Sunna’s experience; the juxtaposed images take a literary form as a Sámi counter-narrative of history and of colonial Sweden. They have a documentary impulse, portraying the figures responsible for the conflict and depicting specific instances of it in a pictorial language legible to the Western eye. However, they are also coded with symbols drawn from Sámi spiritual knowledge. For example, in the first painting Sunna reveals the power asymmetry of the courtroom, bearing witness to ‘the persecution that took away our nourishment and culture ... [so that the] Sámi would become slaves and Swedes lords over the Sámi.’ However, at the centre of the image the artist portrays the Sámi goavddis, the sacred drum. Burnt, stolen and banned by colonisers the goavddi’s presence here is an act of spiritual resistance and familial empowerment, as visible (and protected) within it are images of his relations taken from the family album.
Earlier this year the Swedish Church offered a public apology for centuries of misdoing to the Sámi people, Sunna was commissioned to prepare the visual staging for the ceremony. In addition, Sweden has started to prepare for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission addressing Nordic colonialism (Finland and Norway have already launched theirs). Within this context of spiritual and political transformation the Sunna family’s personal and collective call demands that Sámi ways of being, doing, seeing and thinking, across all nation state borders that traverse Sápmi, be honoured.

Anders Sunna, Illegal Spirits of Sápmi, 2022. Photo: Michael Miller / OCA © Michael Miller / OCA
Anders Sunna (r.1985) lea davvisámi dáiddár gullevaš boazosámebearrašii Kieksiäisvaaris Ruoŧa bealde Sámis. Sunna politihkalaš dáidagat muitalit veahkaválddálašvuođaid ja duolbmamiid Sámi álbmoga vuostá ja erenoamážit sin bearraša 50 jagi guhkes dáistaleamis suodjalit sin árbevirolaš vuovdesámi boazodoalu vuoigatvuođaid. Eiseválddiid politihkain sii masse iežaset árbevirolaš bealljemearkkaid ja guođohanrivttiid. Sunna gohčoda iežas ‘geriljaboazobargin' go dáidagiinnis nanusmahttá sámi servodaga. Fámolaš govaiguin ja politihkalaš satiiran su njuohtamat, grafitti, skulptuvrrat ja installašuvnnat govahallet mo eiseválddiid veahkaválddálašvuođa váikkuhusat dagahit eanan- ja luonddurievidemiid, bággojohtimiid ja Sámi álbmoga vuortnuheami.
Sunna lei oassin čájáhusas ‘Àbadakone / Continuous Fire / Feu continuel', National Gallery of Canada, 2019:s, ja 22. Biennale of Sydney, NIRIN, 2020:s, main goappašagain čalmmustahtto eamiálbmot dáiddárat. NIRIN dáfus lei bivdon ráhkadit seaidnegovvosa Campbelltown dáiddaguovddážii. Seaidnegovvosa, gohčoduvvon SOAÐA, ráhkadii ságastallamiid vuođul aborigiinna vuorrasiiguin Campbelltownas, Australias. Sunnas ledje guokte soločájáhusa 2020:s, Adde Zetterquist dáiddagalleriijas Sálatvuomis, Norgga beal sámis ja ‘Exploration Target – Area Infected' Varbergs Konsthall, Gøteborgas, Ruoŧas.
Sunna oasálasttii Bergen Festspill čájáhusas 2020:s, Bergen Kunsthallas, njuohtamiin ovttas sámi dáiddáriin Joar Nangoin (guhte lei váldodáiddár Festspill čájáhusas). Sunna lei dáiddastudeanta Stockholmmas, Konstfack College of Art, 2006-2009, ja Upmeje Academy of Fine Arts, 2004-2006. Son lea bivdon ráhkadit máŋggaid almmolaš dáidagiid, earret eará Sámi Allaskuvlii Guovdageainnus ja Álttá nuoraidskuvlii Norgga bealde Sámis; erenoamáš lea su dáidda Jiellevári diggegottis, Ruoŧa bealde Sámis, 2013, gos ollu lágasteamit sámi áššiin otne maid ceggejuvvojit. 2016:s son ovttasbarggai Máret Ánne Sarain lávdehábmemiin ‘Lapp Affair – Unfinished Business' konsertii Árktalaš dáiddafestiválas Hársttáin, Norggas. Son lea maiddái ovttasbargan sámi musihkárin Sofia Jannokain, go su grafitti performánsa lei oassin musihkkavideos ‘We Are Still Here' 2016:s. Bargguin ‘With the Future Behind Us' son válljejuvvui Moderna čájáhussii 2018:s. Go Ruoŧa girku skábmamánu 24. Beaivvi 2021:s ánui almmolaččat ándagassii sin vearri ‘dohkkehuvvon duolbmama' ja čuđiid jagiid ‘illasteami ja badjelgeahččama' ovddas Sámi álbmogis, de Sunna ráhkadii guokte ođđa diŋgojuvvon scenografiijalaš portreahtaid.
Sunna dáidagat leat leamaš čájáhussan viidát Sámis ja riikkaidgaskasaččat. OCA ovttasbarggai Sunnain 2017:s go son ráhkadii scenografiijačájáhusa ‘Museums on Fire', symposia mii lea seaguhus dáiddaásahusaid kolonisttalaš báidnojumis, ja proseassaid bokte váilevaš sájáidat eamiálbmot dáidagiidda, doložis dálážii.