Dalvedhfilmstill kopi 01

Screening 'Dalvedh'. A film by Sissel M. Bergh

6 October '18

OCA invites you to a screening of Sissel M. Bergh's film Dalvedh and a conversation with the artist about it’s pertinence to today’s decolonial discussions in Norway.

Saturday 2 February

Office for Contemporary Art Norway
Nedre gate 7
0551 Oslo

RSVP info@oca.no

Free and open to the public, but space is limited.

The event is a part of Sámi álbmotbeaivi celebrations and is co-organised with Samisk Hus Oslo who will host and present events around the city from 2-8 February.

About Dalvedh:

The silencing of Sámi history since the onset of colonisation right up to our present times has been deafening. Is it possible to patch another past by collecting the traces? Dalvedh, a film from 2014, is part of an art project that sought to enter the organism of society by re-establishing South Sámi as a relevant part of the dialogue about identity, history, heritage and the present in Middle Scandinavia. The project was a collaboration with composer and musician Frode Fjellheim, along with many others who contributed with their knowledge and research. It iooks into bypassed knowledges, knowledges which remained local until it gradually went out of memory, and research history (both professional and personal), and turns the gaze onto the role of the historians. Dalvedh connects popular/ Indigenous and academic knowledges through the poetic and the sensuous to create a space for reflection around the writing of history and its activation into the present.

Dalvedh has been shown at LevArt in Levanger, Skulpturarena Øst in Oslo, Gaaltije in Östersund, Trondheim kunstmuseum, IKM-Interkulturelt museum in Oslo, Sverresborg folkemuseum, Falstadsenteret, Saemien sijte in Snåsa, Rørosmuseet, Helgeland museum Mosjøen, Tärnaby, Nord university, Small projects in Tromsø and Sámi Daiddaguovdas in Kárásjohka. It is currently travelling around libraries in Hedmark county.

About the artist:

Sissel M. Bergh is an artist working in several different technics and materials - and in cooperation with different kinds of knowledge. With films, objects, painting and drawing as investigation tools, she explores how to relate to and understand the world, to reread land, memory, power, magic, relations and art.

Currently she is working on a project for Mo i Rana by invitation from Nordnorsk kunstnersenter: Raanen vuodna, a visibilization of Sami culture, history and identity in the land and seascape of Raane/Rana.

Other recent exhibitions include Matters at heart at Telemark kunstsenter (2019), Okside rïhpesieh (Doors opening) at Sámi Dáiddáguovdas (2018) and Something moves slowly into a different direction Kunsthall Trondheim (2017). Bergh is educated at the National Academy of Fine Arts Oslo, and University of Technology in Durban, South Africa.