A series of lectures, screenings, conversations, performances, poetry, yoik, music and exhibitions.

Máze Church Tour with Tore Turi. Photo: Susanne Hætta / Dáiddadállu

Slam poetry by Timimie Märak. Photo: Susanne Hætta / Dáiddadállu

Mázejoavku house tour by Ante Guttormsen. Photo: Susanne Hætta / Dáiddadállu
SápmiToo was a four-day programme of lectures, screenings, conversations, performances, poetry, yoik, music and exhibitions curated by Dáiddadállu, which took place place in Máze and Guovdageaidnu. The programme was hosted by the Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) and the artists’ collective Dáiddadállu.
With SápmiToo, OCA continued its long-term engagement with the town of Máze – iconic in recent Sámi political history – and its advocacy for the establishment of an international Indigenous artists’ residency at the former headquarters of the Mázejoavku: Sámi Dáiddajoavku.
Seeking to empower women, artists and Sámi curatorial methodologies, SápmiToo addresses gender roles, violence and sexual abuse in Sápmi and Indigenous communities, the relationship of these realities to the colonial experience, and how art and artists can be at the centre of these important ongoing conversations.
Programme contributors included Wanda Nanibush, Mari Boine, Roger Ludvigsen, Johan Sara Jr, Jenni Laiti, Hilde Skancke Pedersen, Susanne Hætta, Máret Ánne Sara,Timimie Märak, Ánna-Katri Helander, Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen, Johan Vasara, Dine Fenger Lynge, Elle Sofe Sara, Liv Inger Somby, Nils Joel Partapuoli, Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska, Taqralik Partridge, Margrethe Bals Utsi, Anne Lene Turi Dimpas, Inga Marja Steinfjell, Article 3 (Christina Hætta, Élle Márjá Eira, Anne Henriette Reinås Niilut, Sunna Nousuniemi), Anne Merete Gaup, Ingá Márjá Sarre, Katarina Kielatis, Rauna Kuokkanen, Katya García-Antón, Silja Somby, Lisa Kristensen, Runar Myrnes Balto, Liselotte Wajstedt, Elle-Máijá Tailfeather, Lada Suomenrinne, Élle Márjá Eira, Marja Bål Nango, Elin Marakatt and Ante Guttormsen.
Prográmma / Programme
Gos / Where: Guovdageaidnu
Dáiddadállu and Thon Hotel
15:00–17:15 Busse / Bus Áltá Airport–Guovdageaidnu
17:00–18:00 Registreren / Registration. Dáiddadállu / Artists’ Collective, Ájastealli 3
18:00–18:10 Buresboahtin dearvvahus / Opening of SápmiToo by Jenni Laiti
18:10 Čájáhus ráhppán / Opening of Dáiddadállu exhibition with Hilde Skancke Pedersen, Susanne Hætta, and Máret Ánne Sara
19:30 Mállásat / Dinner at Thon Hotel
21:00 Slam poesiija / Slam poetry by Timimie Marak
Gos / Where: Guovdageaidnu
Diehtosiida (daytime) and Thon Hotel (evening)
08:00–09:00 Registreren / Registration. Diehtosiida entrance, Hánnoluohkká 45
09:00 Oasáš “Aindás” čájálmasas / Extract from the performance Aindás by Anna Katri Helander
09:10–09:20 Sámediggeráđđelahtu sárdni / Speech by Sámi Parliamentary Council member Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen
09:20–09:30 Sátnejođiheaddji sárdni / Speech by Mayor of Guovdageaidnu Johan Vasara
09:30–09:40 Bures boahtin ja praktihkalaš dieđut lágideddjiid bealis / Welcome on behalf of the organisers and practical informationby Dine Fenger Lynge and Elle Sofe Sara, Dáiddadállu
09:40–10:30 “Mus lea nu ollu muitalit, muhto dus lea nu unnán áigi mu muitalusaide” – eallingearddi muitalusaid ja olbmuid bávččas osiid dokumenteren
/ I have a lot to tell, but you have so little time for my stories – documentation of life stories and the painful sides of people's lives. Liv Inger Somby, Assistant Professor, Sámi University of Applied Sciences
10:30–11:20 "Mannen-myten” prošeakta mii háliida diđoštit gokte dat lea leahkit dievdu otná Sámis!" / The man myth – a project that investigates how it is to be a man in Sápmi today Nils Joel Partapuoli, Sáminuorra organisation
12:00–13:00 Borrán / Lunch
Juoigan ja čottalávlun / Yoik and throat singing battle, Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska, Taqralik Partridge
14:15–14:45 Dáiddadálu dáiddárat / Presentation of Dáiddadállu artists
14:45–15:15 Gáffe ja šattut / Coffee and snacks
15:15–16:15 Digaštallan / Panel discussion Liv Inger Somby (sátnedoalli / moderator), Suohkan psykologat / m,unicipal psychologists Margrethe Bals Utsi and Anne Lene Turi Dimpas, Mikkel Eskil Mikkelsen, Inga Marja Steinfjell, Nils Joel Partapuoli and Johan Vasara
16:30–17:30 Guided tour of the Juhls Silver Gallery, ‘Retrospective 1959–2019’
18:00 Oanehis filmmat / Short film programme
Lágideaddjit / Organised by Skábmagovat Film Festival and International Sámi Film Institute
19:30 Mállásat / Dinner at Thon Hotel
21:30 DJ collective Article 3 feat. Christina Hætta, Elle Márjá Eira, Sunna Nousuniemi and Anne Henriette Nilut
Lágideaddji / Organised by: Thon Hotel
Gos / Where: Máze school
09:00–10:00 Busse / Bus Guovdageaidnu–Maze
10:00–13:00 Bargobájit, heivehuvvon buohkaide / Workshops for everybody
Workshop 1 by Wanda Nanibush: Dáidda, trauma, duohtavuohta dahje mii eat goassige heaitán dánsumis. Mo dáidda sáhttá veahkehit áddet koloniála trauma ja láidestit min dan čađa / ‘Art, trauma, truth or we never stopped dancing. How can art help us understand colonial trauma and give us routes through it to an Indigenous future’
Workshop 2 by Taqralik Partridge: Bargobádji lea álgu Spoken Word:i ja Performance poesiijai. Dás čájehit ja digaštallat iešguđet artisttaid Spoken Word ovdanbuktimiid. Oasseváldit ieža čállet bihtážiid ja juogadit joavkkus. Ságastallan čuovvola fáttáid mat leat SápmiToo deaivvadeamis / ‘Introduction to Spoken Word and Performance Poetry. Spoken word from various artists will be shown and discussed, and participants will write a short piece for themselves or to share with the group. The conversation will be centred on the themes of the SápmiToo gathering’
13:00–14:00 Borrán / Lunch
14:00–14:45 ‘Not in our space’ Oassalasti dáiddaprošeakta, mii guorahallá sámi queer dorvosaji. / Interactive art project that investigates Sámi queer safe spaces. Jenni Laiti & Katarina Kielatis.
14:50–15:30 'Iešmearrideami ollašuhttin ja veahkaválddi gieđahallan – mo gullaba oktii?' / 'The implementation of self-determination and addressing violence – what is the connection?' Rauna Kuokkanen (PhD Research Professor, Arctic Indigenous Studies University of Lapland)
15:30–15:40 OCA ja Sámedikki prošeavtta birra / OCA and Sámediggi presentation Katya García-Antón, Silja Somby
15:40–16:00 Gáffe ja gáhkku / Coffee and cake
16:00–17:00 Digaštallan ‘SápmiToo – mo mii bargat ovddasguvlui?’ / Panel discussion ‘SápmiToo – how do we move forward?’. Lisa Kristensen (sátnedoalli / moderator), Mari Boine, Runar Myrnes Balto and Katarina Kielatis.
17:30–19:00 Mátki Mázes / Tour in Máze. Báikkálaš historjá/ Local history by TBA. Oahpisteapmi Máze-joavkku viesus /Mázejoavku house tour by Ante Guttormsen (joavkkuid mielde / in groups of max. 15 people)
19:00–20:30 Mállásat ja loahpahan sánit / Dinner and closing words
21:00 Konsearta / Concert: Mari Boine with Roger Ludvigsen, Johan Sara Jr.
23:00 Busse / Bus Maze–Guovdageaidnu
23:00 Vejolašvuohta oađđit Mázes / Possibility to sleep in cabins in Máze / Limited cabins available. Where: Máze tourist centre
07:30–09:30 Bus Guovdageaidnu–Máze –– Áltá
15:20–17:20 Bus Guovdageaidnu- Máze – Áltá
09:00–18:00 Juhls Silver Gallery opening
Please note, the programme is subject to change and additions. Additional practical is information available in the registration link.