Relaunch of the Mazejoavku

Relaunch of the Mázejoavku housing and studios

24 Sept – 26 Sept '17

In 2017 OCA and The Sámi Paliament of Norway/Sámediggi hosted a three-day gathering with a series of workshops and a panel discussion in the town of Máze, to work towards the creation of an Indigenous arts residency in the legendary Mázejoavku: Sámi Dáiddajoavku housing and studios.

Panel discussion 1

Panel discussion with Aage Gaup, Josef Halse, Berit Marit Hætta, Keviselie/Hans Ragnar Mathisen, Britta Marakatt-Labba, Rannveig Persen, Synnøve Persen (the Mázejoavku: Sámi Dáiddajoavku artists), Ánde Somby and Adam Szymczyk, moderated by Candice Hopkins. Photo: Susanne Hætta

Sonicworkshop 4

Sonic workshop with Raven Chacon and Johan Sara Jr. Photo: Susanne Hætta

Together with local partners in Sápmi, regional and international advisors and supporters, the Sámediggi has commissioned the establishment of a foundation in the legendary Mázejoavkku: Sámi Dáiddajoavkku housing and studios. Furthermore, the process of bringing the house back to life is accompanied by a series of initiatives, first of all including a workshop on Indigenous Methodologies, addressed to Sami artists and curators, facilitated by the three Sami scholars Harald Gaski, Rauna Kuokkanen, and Jelena Porsanger, with writer and documenta14 curator Candice Hopkins. A second Sonic workshop exploring field recordings, has been developed by Máze-based leading musician and composer Johan Sara Jr. and the experimental composer and artist Raven Chacon. A third workshop exploring Indigenous Aesthetic Language within art, craft and creativity will feature presentations and interactive discussions with artists Gunvor Guttorm, Britta Marakatt-Labba and Julie Edel Hardenberg. In addition a chapter of a cycle of interviews conducted in 2008 with artist Trygve Lund Guttormsen by Rossella Ragazzi and Terje Brantenberg, Associate Professors at Tromsø University Museum, the Arctic University of Norway was screened.

A panel discussion celebrating the Mázejoavkku addressed past, present and future aspects of its activity. The panellists included various members of the legendary Mázejoavkku: Sámi Dáiddajoavkku (Sámi Artists’ Group); Ánde Somby, member of the work group to create the future Mázejoavkku foundation; and Adam Szymczyk, artistic director of the documenta14.

In parallel to the main events, documentation together with a selection of artworks illustrating Máze’s role during the Alta Actions of the 1970s, was organised by RiddoDuottarMuseat.

The Maze group with OCA and Documenta photo Susanne Haetta

The Máze group with OCA and documenta14 team. Photo: Susanne Hætta

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