Michael Taussig on “Recipes for Survival” + Public Conversation at Melahuset in Oslo
Michael Taussig, Professor of Anthropology at Columbia University, New York, will speak about Maria Thereza Alves’s recent book, Recipes for Survival (University of Texas Press, 2019), for which he wrote the introduction. The book is a newly published collection of texts and photos that Maria Thereza Alves produced in 1983 when she went back to the towns where her parents grew up in Brazil. Following the lecture, writer and theatre producer Deise Faria Nunes (BR/NO), community mobiliser and activist Larissa Avelar (BR/NO) and artist Ina Hagen (NO) will use Alves’s book as a starting point for discussions about current political and ecological challenges in Brazil, the dynamics of Norwegian and Brazilian relations, as well as the role artists are taking within these discussions today.