Malin Arnell and Mar Fjell
When Malin Arnell and Mar Fjell come together they become an interdisciplinary art worker, collaborator, organizer, researcher, educator and musician. Since 2017 they have shared breaths through Los Angeles, New York, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Berlin, Treignac, Skomvær, Bolzano, Turku among others. Now they are inhaling Bergen. They explicitly do affectivity within a queer eco-erotic ethics of polymorphous perversity and care making. They explore conditions for participatory practices in territorial environments by emphasizing the sticky shivers of (self-) touching through vibrating togetherness. Masturbatory cooperation, and a dis-location of those frictions, opens up for an unending dynamism of entanglements aka everything in the name of all things queer. Malin Arnell and Mar Fjell's participation is supported by IASPIS, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts.